IGITUGraz / eligibility_propagation

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E-prop: the code repository

This is the official e-prop repository provided by the authors of the e-prop paper [1]. This repository is split in three sub-folders, and each of them provides the code to reproduce different figures of the paper and contains its own README.md with more specific information.

Two additional scripts numerical_verification_...py are providing numerical verifications that are relevant to the papers. More information are provided in the script headers.

[1] A solution to the learning dilemma for recurrent networks of spiking neurons
G Bellec*, F Scherr*, A Subramoney, E Hajek, Darjan Salaj, R Legenstein, W Maass
[Older pre-print with a related content]


Installation guide and System requirements

The scripts were tested for tensorflow 1.14 to 1.15 and python3.6 or 3.7 depending on the simulations (see sub-folders for details). The detailed list of package requirements are provided in the file requirements.txt of each different sub-folder. We recommend using linux and conda 4.8.2 to install those packages.

For instance to reproduce Figure 3, install conda and proceed as follows:

cd Figure_3_and_S7_e-prop_tutorials
conda create --name eprop-figure3 python==3.6.2
conda activate eprop-figure3
conda install --file requirements.txt
python tutorial_evidence_accumulation_with_alif.py

Warning: After installation, if your computer is equipped with a GPU, you might want to reinstall the gpu-compatible version of tensorflow.