IHTSDO / sct-browser-frontend

HMTL & Javascript for the front end for the SNOMED CT Browser.
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javascript snomed

Browser Frontend by SNOMED International

Last Commit Issues Contributors

license GitHub commit activity the past year

This is a generic browser front end project, specific instances used in the IHTSDO browsers are customized in branches of this project.

The browser connects to a backend REST API provided by the project: https://github.com/IHTSDO/snowstorm

Project Structure

The index.html includes all the logic for rendering the Browser UI, switching between different SNOMED CT releases and UI layouts (perspectives).


This project uses the jquery-i18n-properties plugin to support internationalization, translation of the UI components to many languages. (https://github.com/jquery-i18n-properties/jquery-i18n-properties)

The i18n folder includes the base language file (/i18n/Languages.properties), this files defines the labels for English language:

i18n_app_name = IHTSDO SNOMED CT Browser
i18n_release = Release
i18n_perspective = Perspective
i18n_about = About
i18n_provide_feedback = Provide feedback on this browser

In other files, that include the ISO language code in the name, the labels are translated, like:

Languages_es.properties (Spanish)

i18n_app_name = Navegador de SNOMED CT 
i18n_release = Edición
i18n_perspective = Perspectiva
i18n_about = Sobre
i18n_provide_feedback = Proporcione sus comentarios sobre este navegador

Languages_da.properties (Danish)

i18n_welcome = Velkommen
i18n_app_name = IHTSDO SNOMED CT Browser
i18n_release = Udgivelse
i18n_perspective = Visning
i18n_about = Om
i18n_provide_feedback = Send en kommentar om denne browser

Local configuration, build and run the browser locally

Local configuration

Run npm install to make the local application aware of your grunt installation.


The Grunt default task will create all these components, running grunt in the root folder of the project will build all widgets and create the distribution files.

Run locally

In order to obtain api-endpoint information within the local environment, a configuration similar to the following should be used:

user 'details here';
worker_processes  1;

events {
    worker_connections  1024;

http {
    include    mime.types;
    server {
        listen      8080;
        server_name localhost;

    location / {
      root /FileLocation/sct-browser-frontend/;

    location /snowstorm/ {
      proxy_pass https://dev-browser.ihtsdotools.org/snowstorm/;

URL Shortcuts

The browser includes URL parameters that will act as shorcuts for opening the browser with pre-defined settings or content selections, skipping the need of selecting options from the main view.

Use: http://browser.ihtsdotools.org/index.html?perspective=full&conceptId1=195967001

Parameter Example Value Use
edition MAIN/SNOMEDCT-ES, MAIN/SNOMEDCT-AU Sets the edition that will be browsed, using the edition names defined by the backend.
perspective full,browsing,etc. Sets the perspective to load.
languages en, es, da, pt Sets the UI language.
conceptId1 any SCTID Sets the first concept details widget to this concept.
acceptLicense true the SNOMED CT Browser License is automatically accepted without displaying the modal window. This means that you are explicitly accepting the license.
diagrammingMarkupEnabled true SNOMED CT diagramming Markup is enabled.


If you want to build an image based on any local changes you have made run the following on the command line:

docker build -t snomedinternational/snomedct-browser .

Or you can just jump to running the following command, replacing the <host> variable with the full URL to your snowstorm instance:

docker run --name snowstorm-nginx -d -p 80:80 --env API_HOST=<host> snomedinternational/snomedct-browser