IHTSDO / snomed-query-service

An implementation of the SNOMED CT Expression Constraint Language.
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SNOMED CT Query Service

An implementation of the SNOMED CT Expression Constraint Language.

Expression Constraint Language feature support

Feature Example Supported
Self 404684003 |clinical finding| Yes
Descendant Of < 404684003 |clinical finding| Yes
Descendant Or Self Of << 73211009 |diabetes mellitus| Yes
Ancestor Of > 40541001 |acute pulmonary edema| Yes
Ancestor Or Self Of >> 40541001|acute pulmonary edema| Yes
MemberOf ^ 700043003 |example problem list concepts reference set| Yes
Any * Yes
Attribute * : 246075003 |causative agent| = 387517004 |paracetamol| Yes
Focus Concept Range, Attribute < 19829001 |disorder of lung|: 116676008 |associated morphology| = 79654002 |edema| Yes
Focus Concept Range, Attribute Value Range < 404684003 |clinical finding|: 363698007 |finding site| = << 39057004 |pulmonary valve structure| Yes
Focus Concept Range, Attributes with Value Ranges < 404684003 |clinical finding|: 363698007 |finding site| = << 39057004 |pulmonary valve structure|, 116676008 |associated morphology| = << 415582006 |stenosis| Yes
Attribute Grouping < 404684003 |clinical finding|: { 363698007 |finding site| = << 39057004 |pulmonary valve structure|, 116676008 |associated morphology| = << 415582006 |stenosis|}, { 363698007 |finding site| = << 53085002 |right ventricular structure|, 116676008 |associated morphology| = << 56246009 |hypertrophy|} Yes
Nested Attribute < 404684003 |clinical finding|: 47429007 |associated with| = (< 404684003 |clinical finding|: 116676008 |associated morphology| = << 55641003 |infarct|) Yes
Attribute Operator << 404684003 |clinical finding|: << 47429007 |associated with| = << 267038008 |edema| Yes
Concrete Values < 373873005 |pharmaceutical / biologic product|: 111115 |trade name| = "PANADOL" Yes
Concrete Values < 27658006 |amoxicillin|: 411116001 |has dose form| = << 385049006 |capsule|, { 111115 |has basis of strength| = ( 111115 |amoxicillin only|: 111115 |strength magnitude| >= #500, 111115 |strength unit| = 258684004 |mg|)} Yes
Reverse Of < 105590001 |substance|: R 127489000 |has active ingredient| = 111115 |TRIPHASIL tablet| No
Any Attribute Type < 404684003 |clinical finding|: * = 79654002 |edema| No
Any Attribute Value < 404684003 |clinical finding|: 116676008 |associated morphology| = * Yes
Attribute Cardinality < 373873005 |pharmaceutical / biologic product|: [1..3] 127489000 |has active ingredient| = < 105590001 |substance| Yes
Attribute Group Cardinality < 373873005 |pharmaceutical / biologic product|: [1..3] { [1..*] 127489000 |has active ingredient| = < 105590001 |substance|} Yes
Attribute Conjunction < 404684003 |clinical finding|: 363698007 |finding site| = << 39057004 |pulmonary valve structure| AND 116676008 |associated morphology| = << 415582006 |stenosis| Yes
Attribute Disjunction < 404684003 |clinical finding|: 116676008 |associated morphology| = << 55641003 |infarct| OR 42752001 |due to| = << 22298006 |myocardial infarction| Yes
Simple Conjunction < 19829001 |disorder of lung| AND < 301867009 |edema of trunk| Yes
Simple Disjunction < 19829001 |disorder of lung| OR < 301867009 |edema of trunk| Yes
Simple Conjunction With Refset < 19829001 |disorder of lung| AND ^ 700043003 |example problem list concepts reference set| Yes
Attribute Group Conjunction Disjunction < 404684003 |clinical finding|: { 363698007 |finding site| = << 39057004 |pulmonary valve structure|, 116676008 |associated morphology| = << 415582006 |stenosis|} OR { 363698007 |finding site| = << 53085002 |right ventricular structure|, 116676008 |associated morphology| = << 56246009 |hypertrophy|} Yes
Attribute Value Disjunction ^ 447563008 |ICD-9-CM equivalence complex map reference set|: 246075003 |causative agent| = (< 373873005 |pharmaceutical / biologic product| OR < 105590001 |substance|) Yes
Attribute Value Conjunction < 404684003 |clinical finding|: 116676008 |associated morphology| = (<< 56208002 |ulcer| AND << 50960005 |hemorrhage|) Yes
Exclusion Simple Expressions << 19829001 |disorder of lung| MINUS << 301867009 |edema of trunk| Yes
Exclusion Simple Expressions << 19829001 |disorder of lung| MINUS ^ 700043003 |example problem list concepts reference set| Yes
Exclusion Attribute Values < 404684003 |clinical finding|: 116676008 |associated morphology| = ((<< 56208002 |ulcer| AND << 50960005 |hemorrhage|) MINUS << 26036001 |obstruction|) Yes
Not Equal To Attribute Value < 404684003 |clinical finding|: 116676008 |associated morphology| != 26036001 |obstruction| Yes

Quick Start

Example Expression Constraint Language queries:

Follow the quick start to use these examples:

Run on another port

This is useful for running multiple instances of the tool to serve more releases.

java -jar target/*-exec.jar --serve=true --server.port=8081

Building the software yourself

If you would like to build this open source software yourself it's simple with maven:

git clone https://github.com/ihtsdo/snomed-query-service.git
cd snomed-query-service
mvn clean package

Find the binaries in the target directory.


Apache 2.0 Open Source Licence


kaicode for the code donation