IHTSDO / snomed-subontology-extraction

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healthcare ontologies ontology-engineering snomed

SNOMED CT Subontology Extraction Prototype

Produces an extracted subontology for a given background ontology and set of concepts, with the aim of satisfying the following criteria:

Working Group: Warren Del-Pinto (warren.del-pinto@manchester.ac.uk), Renate A. Schmidt (renate.schmidt@manchester.ac.uk), Yongsheng Gao (SNOMED International), Kai Kewley (SNOMED International)

Process outline

Steps: 1) Compute abstract (authoring) form definitions for each focus concept in the input set (including GCI axioms for these concepts) 2) Definition expansion: automatically identify required supporting concept definitions to satisfy the above criteria 3) Populate RBox (currently star module of roles appearing in the definitions added during steps (1) and (2) 4) Addition of top-level SCT groupers (later may expand to utilise grouper selection algorithms) 5) Completion of the transitive closure between all concepts in the subontology, using atomic inclusions A1 <= A2 only where necessary 6) Shrinking of subontology hierarchy (i.e., removal of unnecessary supporting concepts)

When computing the subontology in RF2 format, the following steps are also included:

Running the prototype

The application can be run from the command line using the 'executable' jar file available on the latest release page.

Command line options:

 -help                                  Print this help message.

 -source-ontology                       Source ontology OWL file.
                                        This can be generated using the snomed-owl-toolkit project.

 -input-subset                          Input subset file.
                                        Text file containing a newline separated list of identifiers of the SNOMED-CT concepts to extract into the subontology.

Optional parameters for OWL conversion:
 -output-rf2                            (Optional) This flag enables RF2 output.
                                        If this flag is given then an RF2 snapshot to filter is required as input using -rf2-snapshot-archive.

 -rf2-snapshot-archive                  This parameter is required when using -output-rf2.
                                        A SNOMED CT RF2 archive containing a snapshot. The release version must match the source ontology OWL file.

 -verify-subontology                    (Optional) runs verification for the computed subontology to check steps 1 and 2 above.
                                        Warning: this can be expensive for larger subontologies.

Example command line options

java -Xms4g -jar snomed-subontology-extraction-*-executable.jar \
 -source-ontology ../release/snomed-int-20200731-ontology.owl \
 -input-subset concept-ids-from-dentistry-refset.txt \
 -output-rf2 \
 -rf2-snapshot-archive ../release/SnomedCT_InternationalRF2_PRODUCTION_20200731T120000Z.zip 

RF2 Output

All RF2 files are written to "output/RF2" ready to be zipped into an RF2 snapshot archive.
Please note: Inferred relationship records have throw-away generated identifiers in a demo namespace that must not be relied upon.