IHe-KaiI / DressCode

DressCode: Autoregressively Sewing and Generating Garments from Text Guidance.
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DressCode: Autoregressively Sewing and Generating Garments from Text Guidance

This repo is the official implementation for DressCode: Autoregressively Sewing and Generating Garments from Text Guidance.

*Kai He, Kaixin Yao, Qixuan Zhang, [Jingyi Yu](http://www.yu-jingyi.com/), Lingjie Liu*, Lan Xu*.**

SIGGRAPH 2024 (ACM Transactions on Graphics)

[Project Page] [Paper Link]



Apparel’s significant role in human appearance underscores the importance of garment digitalization for digital human creation. Recent advances in 3D content creation are pivotal for digital human creation. Nonetheless, garment generation from text guidance is still nascent. We introduce a text-driven 3D garment generation framework, DressCode, which aims to democratize design for novices and offer immense potential in fashion design, virtual try-on, and digital human creation. We first introduce SewingGPT, a GPT-based architecture integrating cross-attention with text-conditioned embedding to generate sewing patterns with text guidance. We then tailor a pre-trained Stable Diffusion to generate tile-based Physically-based Rendering (PBR) textures for the garments. By leveraging a large language model, our framework generates CG-friendly garments through natural language interaction. It also facilitates pattern completion and texture editing, streamlining the design process through user-friendly interaction. This framework fosters innovation by allowing creators to freely experiment with designs and incorporate unique elements into their work. With comprehensive evaluations and comparisons with other state-of-the-art methods, our method showcases superior quality and alignment with input prompts. User studies further validate our high-quality rendering results, highlighting its practical utility and potential in production settings.


git clone git@github.com:IHe-KaiI/DressCode.git
cd DressCode

conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate DressCode

Environmental variable

Local paths setup

Update system.json with local paths in your system.

Download Stable Diffusion 2-1

Packages for Simulation



Resume your training

Our script will attempt to resume the checkpoint from the latest one in the run_id folder automatically when the run_id is specified in the input config.

Prompt for data captioning


Visualize 3D sewing patterns

Texture Editing


This project is built upon NeuralTailor. Some codes for basic operations on sewing patterns are adopted from Sewformer. Our dataset is based on [Korosteleva and Lee 2021]. We thank all the authors for their impressive repos.


If you use this dataset for your research, please cite our paper:

  title={DressCode: Autoregressively Sewing and Generating Garments from Text Guidance},
  author={He, Kai and Yao, Kaixin and Zhang, Qixuan and Yu, Jingyi and Liu, Lingjie and Xu, Lan},
  journal={ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)},
  publisher={ACM New York, NY, USA}