IIIT-Delhi / talks

Material from Byld Sessions/Talks
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Byld Sessions

For keeping track of all the events by Byld

How to use it?

For the general audience

For volunteers

Showcase that you volunteered for an event. Since volunteering for Byld events is one of the membership criteria, we will be using this repo to keep track of your contribution as a volunteer.
You can actively participate in the event discussion to suggest improvement(in content, organization, or anything you want).
Maintaining this repo is a bit tedious. Hence, any help would be appreciated.

For speakers

Open a new issue and add the speakers-needed and proposed-events labels, or you an use this handy shortcut. Make sure event you're proposing hasn't already been proposed!


How to watch the repo?

See the top right portion of the screen. The first button in the group of "Watch", "Star" and "Fork". Just click on it.

How to propose/suggest a new event?

You need to make a new issue for proposing or suggesting a new event. This can done by clicking here. Please ensure no duplicate issue exists for that event.

How to volunteer for an event?

Before the event:
In the issue for the corresponding event, add a comment that you want to volunteer for the event.

After the event:
Having volunteered for the event, you need to add your name in the volunteers sections of the event and send a PR. The byld admin responsible for the event will approve the PR, if your efforts were okay.


This is under progress.

You're encouraged to put as much as you can on here. This makes the material of the sessions useful for future sessions, reference for the audience and for public information that the club if alive and functioning.