IKZ-Berlin / lakeshore-nomad-plugin

a NOMAD plugin to handle Hall effect experiments recorded with Lakeshore instruments
Apache License 2.0
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Lakeshore Plugin

This directory contains plugins designed for the IKZ institute.

See also:

full IKZ_plugin README

movpe README


The directory tree:

├── nomad.yaml
├── src
│   └── hall
│       ├── nomad_plugin.yaml
│       ├── schema.py
│       ├── instrument.py
│       ├── measurement.py
│       ├── reader.py
│       ├── utils.py
│       ├── enum_map.json
│       ├── instrument_parser
│       │   ├── nomad_plugin.yaml
│       │   └── parser.py
│       └── measurement_parser
│           ├── nomad_plugin.yaml
│           └── parser.py
└── tests
    ├── data
    │   └── hall
    │       ├── 22-127-G_20K-320K_TT-Halter_WDH_060722.txt
    │       ├── 22-127-G_Hall-RT_TT-Halter.txt
    │       ├── 22-211-G_Hall_23K-320K_TT-Halter.txt
    │       ├── 23-026-AG_Hall_RT.txt
    │       ├── hall_eln_22-127-G_20K-320K_TT-Halter_WDH_060722.archive.yaml
    │       ├── hall_eln_22-127-G_Hall-RT_TT-Halter.archive.yaml
    │       ├── hall_eln_22-211-G_Hall_23K-320K_TT-Halter.archive.yaml
    │       ├── hall_eln_23-026-AG_Hall_RT.archive.yaml
    │       └── hall_eln.yaml
    └── test_parsing.py


to be extended..


You need to copy and fill the tabular files in tests/data folder, then drag and drop them into a new NOMAD upload.

[!NOTE] The Lakeshore .txt files are missing metadata on the sample ID that is subject of the measurement, so the user need to navigate inside the measurement entry and reference manually the sample.


Fork the project

This project was forked from the github project page https://github.com/nomad-coe/nomad-schema-plugin-example

Clone your fork

Follow the github instructions. The URL and directory depends on your user name or organization and the project name you choose. But, it should look somewhat like this:

git clone git@github.com:markus1978/my-nomad-schema.git
cd my-nomad-schema

Install the dependencies

You should create a virtual environment. You will need the nomad-lab package (and pytest). You need at least Python 3.9.

python3 -m venv .pyenv
source .pyenv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt --index-url https://gitlab.mpcdf.mpg.de/api/v4/projects/2187/packages/pypi/simple

to ensure installation of all the packages required, make sure in to install:

pip install nomad-lab[parsing, infrastructure]

Run the tests

Make sure the current directory is in your path:


You can run automated tests with pytest:

pytest -svx tests

You can parse an example archive that uses the schema with nomad command (installed via nomad-lab Python package):

nomad parse tests/data/test.archive.yaml --show-archive

Developing your schema

Refer to official NOMAD docs to learn how to develop schemas and parsers and plugins, how to add them to an Oasis, how to publish them: https://nomad-lab/prod/v1/staging/docs/plugins.html