Closed fbenti closed 1 year ago
The mode needs to be libRigidBodyTracker in your case.
Thanks for the reply! But, how come is that? When one has to be used and when the other? According to it seems that motionCapture has to be used when there is an unique marker arrangement for every crazyflie, while libRigidBodyTracker when every crazyflie is identified by only one marker.
Whenever you create objects/assets in your motion capture software, you use motionCapture, in all other cases libRigidBodyTracker. Most motion capture software packages have trouble with tracking small objects, causing axis flips. libRigidBodyTracker has a very simple first-order dynamics filter that prevents such tracking mistakes.
Transferring this to discussion as it is an support question.
I cant't successfully launch crazyswarm and track with optitrack.
Here's my config files:
global settings for all robots
firmware logging for all drones (use robot_types/type_name to set per type, or
robots/drone_name to set per drone)
firmware_logging: enabled: false default_topics:
remove to disable default topic
firmware parameters for all drones (use robot_types/type_name to set per type, or
robots/drone_name to set per drone)
firmware_params: commander: enHighLevel: 1 stabilizer: estimator: 2 # 1: complementary, 2: kalman controller: 2 # 1: PID, 2: mellinger
broadcasts: num_repeats: 15 # number of times broadcast commands are repeated delay_between_repeats_ms: 1 # delay in milliseconds between individual repeats
[INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/aut/.ros/log/2023-09-06-15-18-36-407728-aut-110872 [INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO [INFO] [motion_capture_tracking_node-1]: process started with pid [110873] [INFO] [crazyflie_server-2]: process started with pid [110875] [INFO] [rviz2-3]: process started with pid [110877] [rviz2-3] Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland anyway. [crazyflie_server-2] [INFO] [1694006316.651714941] [cf1]: ESTKALMAN: State out of bounds, resetting [crazyflie_server-2] [INFO] [1694006316.654201422] [cf1]: ESTKALMAN: State out of bounds, resetting [crazyflie_server-2] [INFO] [1694006316.656473308] [cf1]: ESTKALMAN: State out of bounds, resetting [crazyflie_server-2] [INFO] [1694006316.658045578] [cf1]: ESTKALMAN: State out of bounds, resetting [crazyflie_server-2] [INFO] [1694006316.659682790] [cf1]: ESTKALMAN: State out of bounds, resetting [crazyflie_server-2] [INFO] [1694006316.661992239] [cf1]: ESTKALMAN: State out of bounds, resetting [crazyflie_server-2] [INFO] [1694006316.663638899] [cf1]: ESTKALMAN: State out of bounds, resetting [crazyflie_server-2] [INFO] [1694006316.664444885] [cf1]: Requesting parameters... [crazyflie_server-2] [INFO] [1694006316.670669360] [cf1]: Param TOC: 278 entries with CRC 3685482774 [crazyflie_server-2] [INFO] [1694006316.670725829] [cf1]: Param TOC: found cache. [crazyflie_server-2] [INFO] [1694006316.678435382] [cf1]: reqParamTOC: 0.037586 s (278 params) [crazyflie_server-2] [INFO] [1694006316.678540754] [cf1]: Update parameter "commander.enHighLevel" to 1 [crazyflie_server-2] [INFO] [1694006316.678588122] [cf1]: Update parameter "locSrv.extPosStdDev" to 0.001000 [crazyflie_server-2] [INFO] [1694006316.678626739] [cf1]: Update parameter "locSrv.extQuatStdDev" to 0.050000 [crazyflie_server-2] [INFO] [1694006316.678662104] [cf1]: Update parameter "stabilizer.controller" to 2 [crazyflie_server-2] [INFO] [1694006316.678707965] [cf1]: Update parameter "stabilizer.estimator" to 2 [crazyflie_server-2] [INFO] [1694006316.678748318] [cf1]: Requesting memories... [crazyflie_server-2] [INFO] [1694006316.685213245] [cf1]: Memories: 4
[rviz2-3] [INFO] [1694006316.898163513] [rviz2]: Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED [rviz2-3] [INFO] [1694006316.898283271] [rviz2]: OpenGl version: 4.6 (GLSL 4.6) [rviz2-3] [INFO] [1694006316.913504033] [rviz2]: Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED [crazyflie_server-2] [WARN] [1694006317.702892528] [all]: Motion capture did not receive data! [crazyflie_server-2] [WARN] [1694006318.702834451] [all]: Motion capture did not receive data! [crazyflie_server-2] [WARN] [1694006319.702830022] [all]: Motion capture did not receive data! [crazyflie_server-2] [WARN] [1694006320.702879948] [all]: Motion capture did not receive data! [crazyflie_server-2] [WARN] [1694006321.702818305] [all]: Motion capture did not receive data! [crazyflie_server-2] [WARN] [1694006322.702917879] [all]: Motion capture did not receive data! [crazyflie_server-2] [WARN] [1694006323.702830271] [all]: Motion capture did not receive data!