IMRCLab / crazyswarm2

A Large Quadcopter Swarm
MIT License
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Does it needs any deck do take off ? #463

Closed YHuniv closed 5 months ago

YHuniv commented 5 months ago

Hi ,

I was trying to take off my crazyflie 2.1 without any deck.I did :

sudo apt-get install ros-humble-teleop-twist-keyboard

Termianl1 : ros2 launch crazyflie_examples Terminal 2 ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard telop_twist_keyboard

Then, I used T to take off, but drone falls to the side. Did I missed something ?

Thanks by advance.

From :

knmcguire commented 5 months ago

Based on your title 'Does it needs any deck do take off ?', yes it does if you want it to have positioning. Either there is an absolute positioning system: or the flowdeck for relative positioning:

YHuniv commented 5 months ago

thanks for quick response. That's mean the IMU estimator did not allow to take off even estimator: 2 ?

  # firmware logging for all drones (use robot_types/type_name to set per type, or
  # robots/drone_name to set per drone)
    enabled: true
     # remove to disable default topic
        frequency: 10 # Hz
        frequency: 1 # Hz
    #  topic_name1:
    #    frequency: 10 # Hz
    #    vars: ["stateEstimateZ.x", "stateEstimateZ.y", "stateEstimateZ.z", "pm.vbat"]
    #  topic_name2:
    #    frequency: 1 # Hz
    #    vars: ["stabilizer.roll", "stabilizer.pitch", "stabilizer.yaw"]
  # firmware parameters for all drones (use robot_types/type_name to set per type, or
  # robots/drone_name to set per drone)
      enHighLevel: 1
      estimator: 2 # 1: complementary, 2: kalman
      controller: 2 # 1: PID, 2: mellinger
knmcguire commented 5 months ago

It is not that it won't allow to take off, but it will have a very wrong estimate of it's height without an positioning system. So either it estimates it to be too low or too high as it won't be able to estimate this on the IMU alone. In your case, it probably thinks it is already high in the sky and therefore the controllers won't do any effort of making it take off.

Get a flowdeck, or look at the links I've shared before. If you don't have a positioning system you'll only be able to fly it manually.