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Development & Running


This project uses docker to run on university servers. Building the Image goes as follows:

docker build . -t tetris:latest

You can start the image using the provided docker-compose.yml using docker-compose up -d. This also starts an instance of TensorBoard, which will be accessible on port 6010.

Sidenote: we are slightly changing the base tensorflow image during our build, because Nvidia's gpg keys for signing their packages expired during the time of this project. In later versions of this image this may be fixed and the extra code in the Dockerfile may be removed.


All python requirements are listed in requirements.txt, you can install them by using python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt.

Running the code


Training is started via the file. For training without rendering, pass the headless argument.


If you want to run tetris alone, start

Code Documentation

Tetris with pygame

The base of this implementation is based on this article.

Tetris itself consists of the following files:


The agent owns the neural networks and is in charge of generating actions based on states that are given to them.

The networks are managed through a CheckpointManager, which will periodically save checkpoints of the networks in the ./checkpoints directory.

The policy-methods should be used for collecting actions. The collect_policy-method should be used for training, as it has an optional epsilon parameter for generating random actions. If no epsilon is given, the default value of 5% is used. For playing the game without training the normal policy-method should be used, as it will always return the action decided by the neural network.

If you want to change the network architecture, do so in the _build_dqn_model-method, as multiple networks are required for the double-q-learning process and this ensures that both networks are of the same architecture at all times.

Replay Memory

The replay memory is a wrapper around a builtin deque. It stores the last state, the action the agent decided, the calculated reward for said action, and the state that followed. This memory is sampled randomly during training.

Tetris Environment

The tetris environment uses the game and the agent to create a learning environment for the network. It describes how the rewards are calculated for each action and controls the rendering and updating of the game loop in the learning process.

Important methods are the step-method for updating the game clock, the render-method for rendering the game and the __calc_reward-method, which uses a couple of helper methods to determine how good a move was and how the network should be rewarded. The Reward depends on multiple factors, which each have an own weight. The __calculate_hole_count-method calculated how many holes are in the current block structure with a hole being defined as an empty space below a block. The __calculate_bumps-method sums up the height difference between each neighbouring column. There is also a factor called reward_bonus, which gives the network a bonus reward for doing actions lower to the ground. This part of the reward is set to 0 if the height of the block-tower is larger than 9. Additionally the current score of the game is also used in the reward calculation, since scoring a line is ultimately the goal of the network.

The final weights for the factors by trial and error came out to: (-10 hole_delta) + (-2.5 bump_delta) + (1000 score_delta) + (0.2 reward_bonus). This seemed to give us a consistant learning_curve.


Training happens in

collect_gameplay_experience makes the agent play a round of tetris. After each move, a random sample of the last moved are learned. After 10 (per default) rounds, the agent plays a few rounds without training (evaluate_training_result-method). During this time, random actions are disabled and videos are recorded and saved to the ./snapshots directory.

During training various statistics are collected via TensorBoard. You can look at the graphs generated by this by either using the docker-setup as described above, or by starting a local tensorboard instance by running tensorboard --logdir logs.