INN / impaq-me

A social fundraising tool that enables funders to give money to nonprofits any time a user shares one of their stories and/or someone clicks back to the site via an short url. This project is no longer active.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Impaq.Me was a social fundraising tool that enabled funders to give money to nonprofits any time a user shares one of their stories and/or someone clicks back to the site via an short url.

IMPORTANT: This project is no longer actively maintained

This README discusses how to get up-and-running with the app in development.


Install Postgres

brew install postgresql
brew services start postgresql

Install ruby stuff

brew install rbenv ruby-build
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.profile

Then run rbenv install -list | grep 2.0.0 to find the latest Ruby 2.0 patch-level (currently that's "2.0.0-p451")

rbenv install 2.0.0-p451
rbenv local 2.0.0-p451
gem install bundler

In the repo root, run:


Verify things work by running bundle exec rails c

Install node stuff

Install the latest Node.js

Build the SDK

sudo npm i -g lineman
cd sdk
npm install
lineman clean build

Build the iframe

sudo npm i -g lineman
cd iframe
npm install
lineman clean build

Prepare the database

Create the development database, run our migrations, and then seed some development data.

bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate db:seed

Start the servers

Simply run this start script to launch Rails, Lineman SDK, and Lineman IFrame in a single process. Use Ctrl-C to shut down all three servers at once.

$ ./script/

Verify the app

Some example routes:

The two above widgets were snagged from this production article share

Deploy the app

There's a little included script for deploying to heroku:


To deploy an app:

$ ./script/deploy remote-name app-name

To deploy an app with migrations:

$ ./script/deploy remote-name app-name true

To deploy an app with migrations and enable maintenance mode for the entire duration:

$ ./script/deploy remote-name app-name true true

To deploy an app with maintenance mode but no migrations:

$ ./script/deploy remote-name app-name "" true

For production, "remote-name" is probably heroku and "app-name" is impaqme

For staging, "remote-name" is probably staging and "app-name" is impaqme-712

You can check your remote names with git remote -v.