INN / umbrella-borderzine

Umbrella repository for
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Cloning a wordpress site via valet

Prerequisites: Having a running install of Laravel Valet and the WordPress command-line interface wp.

  1. cd to the directory where you have chosen to keep your valet sites.
    • You can find this directory by running valet paths; the appropriate directory will not be the one with /.valet/ in its path.
    • If that command returns no appropriate directory, or no paths at all, you should create a directory on your computer to hold Valet site install directories. mkdir ~/sites/ will create a folder named sites in your user's home directory. Then, run cd ~/sites/ to go there, and valet park to register this directory with Valet so that all subdirectories will be served as .test domains.
  2. Create the install's directory:
    • If an umbrella repo exists:
      1. git clone
      2. git submodule update --init --recursive
  3. cd umbrella-borderzine
  4. wp core download
  5. wp config create --dbname=example --dbuser=<user> --dbpass=<pass>, where <user> and <pass> are the database username and password for your computer.
  6. wp db create
    • if you're working on a multisite, you'll need to add some things to wp-config.php. The best way to do that is
      1. wp core install
      2. wp core multisite-convert --subdomains --base=borderzine.test --title=foo
        • where borderzine.test is the domain created by Valet for this directory
        • --title=foo must be passed but is unimportant and will be reset when you load the database.
  7. wp db reset
  8. download the sql file, through phpmyadmin/flywheel's interface
  9. wp db import database.sql, replacing database.sql with the path to the database you downloaded
    • If the output of that command contains ERROR 2006 (HY000) at line 488: MySQL server has gone away or your mysql error log contains [Note] Aborted connection 10 to db: 'example' user: 'user' host: 'localhost' (Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes), this StackOverflow solution worked for Ben on 2018-08-22.
      • Find your mysql error log on OSX by running ps auxww | grep mysqld and looking for a string like --log-error=/usr/local/var/mysql/example.local.err
  10. wp search-replace borderzine.test --all-tables-with-prefix
    • if you're doing a multisite, make sure to rerun that command, replacing with and borderzine.test with subdomain.borderzine.test, and changing the --url= parameter to match the valet domain that you just set everything to in the preceding search-replace:
      • wp search-replace --url=borderzine.test --all-tables-with-prefix
      • wp search-replace --url=borderzine.test --all-tables-with-prefix
      • if you're not sure what the URLs for the sites in the multisite are, check the wp_blogs table.
  11. Optionally, run valet secure to serve this site locally over HTTPS using a self-signed certificate. For more about this command, see the Laravel Valet docs.
  12. Optionally, download images and uploads via SFTP. You'll probably only need the newest month's images and the images referenced in the theme settings. Feel free to upload replacement images to the new development site via the normal browser interface.
  13. In the repo's child theme, if there's a package.json, run npm install