INN / umbrella-energynewsnetwork

Umbrella repository for the Energy News Network site, a project of Fresh Energy
GNU General Public License v2.0
0 stars 1 forks source link

Deploy notes

git remote add wpe-prod
git remote add wpe-staging

Setup instructions

VVV instructions

This repository is designed to be set up in accordance with the VVV install instructions in INN/docs, that were introduced with

vv create
Prompt Text to enter
Name of new site directory: usenergynews
Blueprint to use (leave blank for none or use largo): largo
Domain to use (leave blank for largo-umbrella.test): usenergynews.test
WordPress version to install (leave blank for latest version or trunk for trunk/nightly version): hit [Enter]
Install as multisite? (y/N): N
Install as subdomain or subdirectory? : subdomain
Git repo to clone as wp-content (leave blank to skip): hit [Enter]
Local SQL file to import for database (leave blank to skip): This directory must be an absolute path, so the easiest thing to do on a Mac is to drag your mysql file into your terminal window here: the absolute filepath with fill itself in.
Remove default themes and plugins? (y/N): N
Add sample content to site (y/N): N
Enable WP_DEBUG and WP_DEBUG_LOG (y/N): N

After reviewing the options and creating the new install, partake in the following steps:

  1. cd to the directory usenergynews/ in your VVV setup
  2. git clone
  3. Copy the contents of the new directory umbrella-usenergynews/ into htdocs/, including all hidden files whose names start with . periods.

This is a series of notes of what had to be done to get the db working:

  1. fab vagrant.reload_db:usenergynewsdb_dev__2016-09-19__3-21\ PM.sql,usenergynews
  2. open wp-config.php, disable all multisite lines
  3. wp user command to update our user with the password from 1pass
  4. in Sequel Pro, change the site's domain and home in wp_options to
  5. Follow instructions on to convert the singlesite database to a multisite database, including progressively enabling the lines in wp-config.php
  6. Perform database replacements:
    • in wp_blogs, set domain to
    • in wp_site, set domain to
    • in wp_options, set siteurl and home to
    • in wp_sitemeta, set siteurl and home to
  7. Get WPE to upload the DB
  8. Log into the network admin, and do the following:
    • Network Enable the Largo base theme
    • enable the Fresh Energy theme for the Fresh Energy site
  9. Go to the Fresh Energy dashboard
    • Activate the Fresh Energy theme that's a Largo child
    • In Settings > Reading, change "Front page displays" to "Your latest posts"

Laravel Valet setup notes

  1. cd to the base directory of your Laravel setup
  2. git clone usenergynews
  3. Install WordPress
yo wordpress
Prompt Text to enter
Wordpress URL: usenergynews.test

Table prefix: wp_ Database host: | localhost Database name: | usenergynews Database user: | Database password: | Use Git: | No Custom dir structure: | No Custom theme: | No

After reviewing the options and creating the new install, partake in the following steps:

  1. wp core install
  2. wp db import mysql.sql

Migration notes
