IOL0ol1 / EmguFFmpeg

A FFmpeg.AutoGen Warpper Library.
MIT License
72 stars 15 forks source link
audio decoder encoder ffmpeg video


A FFmpeg.AutoGen Warpper Library.

NuGet version (FFmpeg4Sharp) NuGet downloads (FFmpeg4Sharp) Build status

This is NOT a ffmpeg command-line library.
dev branch is under construction.
FFmpeg API are unstable, please use ffmpeg library version > 5


Get ffmpeg *.dll

Manually download the *.dll files that comply with the license from
You can get the nightly version on Nuget

NuGet\Install-Package FFmpeg.GPL
NuGet\Install-Package FFmpeg.LGPL 

Install FFmpeg4Sharp

NuGet\Install-Package FFmpeg4Sharp

add namespace

using FFmpeg.AutoGen;
using FFmpegSharp;

Quick start

Mux and encode

/// Create a video file
var fps = 29.97d;
var width = 800;
var heith = 600;
var output = "path-to-your-output-file.mp4";
using (var muxer = MediaMuxer.Create(output))
    using (var encoder = MediaEncoder.CreateVideoEncoder(muxer.Format, width, heith, fps, otherSettings: _ => _.ThreadCount = 10))
        var stream = muxer.AddStream(encoder);
        using (var vFrame = MediaFrame.CreateVideoFrame(width, heith, encoder.PixFmt))
            for (var i = 0; i < 300; i++)
                // Your code to fill
                vFrame.Pts = i;
                foreach (var packet in encoder.EncodeFrame(vFrame))
                    packet.StreamIndex = stream.Index;
                    muxer.WritePacket(packet, encoder.TimeBase);
        muxer.FlushCodecs(new[] { encoder });

Demux and decode

/// Video to BGR images
var input = "path-to-your-input-file.mp4";
var output = "path-to-your-output-dir";
using (var demuxer = MediaDemuxer.Open(input))
using (var convert = new PixelConverter())
    var decoders = demuxer.Select(_ => MediaDecoder.CreateDecoder(_.CodecparRef, _ => _.ThreadCount = 10)).ToList();
    foreach (var packet in demuxer.ReadPackets())
        var decoder = decoders[packet.StreamIndex];
        if (decoder != null && decoder.CodecType == FFmpeg.AutoGen.AVMediaType.AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO)
            convert.SetOpts(decoder.Width, decoder.Height, FFmpeg.AutoGen.AVPixelFormat.AV_PIX_FMT_BGR24);
            foreach (var frame in decoder.DecodePacket(packet))
                // frame is YUV AVFrame
                foreach (var bgrframe in convert.Convert(frame))
                    // use opencvsharp save to jpg
                    //using (var mat = new Mat(bgrframe.Height, bgrframe.Width, MatType.CV_8UC3))
                    //    var srcLineSize = bgrframe.Linesize[0];
                    //    var dstLineSize = (int)mat.Step();
                    //    FFmpegUtil.CopyPlane((IntPtr)[0], srcLineSize,
                    //        mat.Data, dstLineSize, Math.Min(srcLineSize, dstLineSize), mat.Height);
                    //    if (frame.PktDts >= 0)
                    //        mat.SaveImage(Path.Combine(output, $"{demuxer[packet.StreamIndex].ToTimeSpan(frame.PktDts).TotalMilliseconds}ms.jpg"));
    decoders.ForEach(_ => _?.Dispose());

More see Example



This project is licensed under the MIT license.

But if you use the part of FFmpeg licensed under the GPL,
the whole project will be contagious by the GPL.