IP-Project-2 / spacestation_unity_assets

Project #2 Unity project assets & FMOD project
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Spacestation Unity & FMOD

GitHub Desktop App


This repository is essentially a replacement for the Assets folder in the Unity project.

  1. First, download the Unity project from here (FMOD project included).
  2. Completely delete the Assets folder in the downloaded Unity project folder.
  3. Next, clone this repository into the same folder you just downloaded.
  4. Rename the cloned folder from spacestation_unity_assets to Assets.
  5. Finally, relocate the repository (if you're using GitHub Desktop).

See this video tutorial on the above.

This repository tracks the FMOD project, scripts, and the Unity scene. It ignores the FMOD plugin, Google Resonance, FMOD soundbanks, and other Unity stuff (like textures/materials, etc.), so you can freely change them once Git is set up if you need to.

Using Git

Adding changes

When you've made changes to a file, the process is:

  1. Stage (AKA add) your changed file(s), which means "mark these files to be committed".
  2. Commit your changes — think of a "commit" as a checkpoint. Making a commit saves a checkpoint on your computer. You can make as many commits as you want.
  3. Push your commit(s), meaning "upload my checkpoint(s) to a GitHub branch".

This process may be slightly simpler in the GitHub Desktop app.

Downloading changes

When someone else has made changes, you must pull their changes, meaning "download from a GitHub branch to my computer". We likely won't have to do this very often and can manage it in a meeting.


It is good practice to use Git branches. Each of us could have our own separate branch, and when we're satisfied with our changes, they can then be merged with the master (main) branch.

This way, we only have to worry about our own branch, and then we can merge them all less regularly (meaning less merging, which can be messy and a bit annoying).

Also, if two people are working on the same thing, they may work on the same branch to keep changes compact, for example.

Moving from one branch to another is called a checkout.