IPHUN1989 / bytebattlers

A BoardgameGeek inspired web application
Apache License 2.0
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Information about the migration of the project

The original project has been cloned with permission to here and its development continues here from 22-05-2024. You can find the original repo here: https://github.com/CodecoolGlobal/el-proyecte-grande-sprint-1-java-szplkflrn


A full stack CRUD web application with the following technologies:


A BoardgameGeek inspired web application where users can:


Running it with Docker

# Navigate to the local folder
docker-compose up

Local build



With a filled up database: Create an empty database and run the query in the db/import.sql to initialize a dummy database with already existing data

With an empty database: Create an empty database and run the query in the backend/src/main/resources/db/migration/init-schema.sql to initialize a database with only the schema


# Run it in the main folder.
# Important to include the dot at the beggining of the command
. frontend.sh


# Run it in the main folder in a new terminal
# Important to include the dot at the beggining of the command
. backend.sh

See also

Checkout the documentation of our project