IRNAS / pira-smart-firmware

Firmware for PiRa Smart device
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Firmware for PiRa Smart device

Code Branch

master \ This branch has all features implemented (RTC, UART, BLE), except low power mode.

Using the device

All the values are updated every second.

General operation

Block diagram is available in /docs folder. \ After power up of the device, 5V power supply is turned ON to power RaspberryPi. Then, status pin is checked until high. When status pin is pulled up, power supply ON period counting starts. \ If status pin has been pulled low during ON period, then possible reboot is checked. After 60s, if status pin is still low, 5V power supply is turned OFF. If status pin is pulled up after 60s period has expired, power supply ON period counting starts again. \ During ON period counting, if timeout expires (ON period value) power supply is turned OFF immediately. \ After OFF period has expired, 5V power supply is turned ON and the cycle repeats.


Communication diagram is available in /docs folder. \ Device is sending data on UART every second in format given below: \ t:Sun Apr 3 02:01:00 2005<LF>\ o:1288<LF>\ b:127<LF> \ p:1788<LF>\ s:100<LF>\ r:60<LF>\ w:120<LF>\ a:1<LF>

First string starts with a t: and it represents current time read from RTC. \ Second string starts with a o: which represents time that is left for controlled device (RaspberryPi) to be awake. \ Third string starts with a b: which represents battery level expressed in ADC format. \ In order to calculate battery level in volts, following equation should be used: \ batteryLevelV = ADC 1.2 (100k + 249k) / (255 * 100k)

Other values are described in Communication diagram.

All the lines end with linefeed character.

Additionally, safety off period (s) can be set through UART. Value consisted of 4 bytes is expected with LSB byte first. These bytes represent OFF period in seconds. \ Example: \ Desired OFF period is 2000s \ Following values should be sent through UART interface to PiRa device in given order (send 0xD0 first): \ 0xD0 0x07 0x00 0x00


Real Time Clock is attached to I2C bus. It is used to get correct time. For the first use, RTC time can be set through BLE interface. Then main and backup batteries will keep the correct time.


For connecting to PiRa use our App made for Android OS: \ PiRa service UUID: 0xB000 \ Characteristics UUIDs:\n

Compiling the code

Online compiler

Import code from URL ( Select option "Update all libraries to the latest revision". Select platform for which code will be compiled (RedBearLab BLE NANO) and hit "Compile" button. Online compiler will offer you to save hex file.


In order to compile the code localy, it is required to install mbed-cli and all dependency tools.\ Install instructions are in /docs folder. \ For more info see: \ Then it is required to import code from GitHub:\ $ mbed import\ After import is finished, execute mbed compile command with desired target and tools selected, for example:\ $ mbed compile -m RBLAB_BLENANO -t GCC_ARM\ Resulting hex file will be located in build folder (e.g. ./BUILD/RBLAB_BLENANO/GCC_ARM/

Download code to the board

In order to download code to mbed platform, just copy hex file to the MBED drive.


All our projects are as usefully open-source as possible.

Hardware including documentation is licensed under CERN OHL v.1.2. license

Firmware and software originating from the project is licensed under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v3.

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What this means is that you can use hardware, firmware, software and documentation without paying a royalty and knowing that you'll be able to use your version forever. You are also free to make changes but if you share these changes then you have to do so on the same conditions that you enjoy.

Koruza, GoodEnoughCNC and IRNAS are all names and marks of Institut IRNAS Rače. You may use these names and terms only to attribute the appropriate entity as required by the Open Licences referred to above. You may not use them in any other way and in particular you may not use them to imply endorsement or authorization of any hardware that you design, make or sell.