IRTSA-SoftwareProject / IRTSA-Server

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IRTSA Server

The files located in this repository are setup scripts to setup a server in different test environments, the socket server files which are used for the android device to communicate with the Raspberry Pi server, and files used to process scans from sample data.

Features of the Server:

Installation Instructions

To setup the server follow the instructions for either a RPI 3/3B+ or Virtual Machine depending on your test environment. (Note: RPI 3B+ requires 5v 1.0A to power the device without errors occuring)

Raspberry Pi 3/3B+ Setup

Follow these steps in order to install and setup a Raspberry Pi as the IRTSA server:

This will setup the Raspberry Pi as in access point mode with the SSID of rpi-AP and password of Th3rmalHotspot and can be connected to with the IP address either through a web browser or a ssh client (putty).

Virtual Machine Setup

Follow these steps in order to install and setup a Virtual Machine as the IRTSA server:

The following are Optional steps to follow which are only to be used when wanting the Android SDK Emulator to communicate with the Virtual Machine to emulate an environment with a RPI and Tablet

This will setup a Virtual Machine to act as a Raspberry Pi server which will have the IP address of which can be accessed by the Android SDK Emulator provided networking with the Virtual Network Editor in VMware has been setup correctly.

Running the python script

To run the python demo script in the demo/ directory with:

Then run the script passing in an argument for the desired name of the saved file with:

Running the server without a Raspberry PI

The mobile app connects to the server using a websocket. If you don't have access to a RaspberryPi, you can run the code on a regular computer and get the mobile app to connect to that instead.

Creating a virtual environment

This is entirely optional but makes it easier to use different python versions in different projects. If you don't want to use a virtual environment, skip to "Installing packages".

You'll need to make sure you have virtualenv installed (pip install virtualenv). Then run:

virtualenv -p  $(which python3) venv

Then activate the virtualenv by running


There are variations of the activate script if you use csh or fish instead of bash.

Installing packages

pip install -r requirements.txt

This will install all of the pip packages that you need.

Start the server

The server requires python3.6, if you created a virtual environment and it is active, the python version would have been configured for you automatically. If not, you'll have to make sure python3 --version says 3.6. Then run this:

python -m server

This should print out a message indicating that the server is running and the address to connect to from the client.