Generate graphs based on public saber tests data
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Analysis of "Pruebas Saber" Data in Colombia

This project focuses on the analysis and visualization of the results from Pruebas Saber in Colombia, using a frontend-backend architecture. The backend is built with Django, and the frontend uses Nuxt 3 to visualize the data.


The objective of this project is to provide a tool that:

  1. Retrieves results from the Saber 11 and Saber Pro exams by department or municipality.
  2. Visualizes and analyzes the data through interactive charts.
  3. Provides basic statistics such as skewness, standard deviation, and other relevant indicators.

Project Structure

The project is divided into two parts:

  1. Backend (REST API): Developed with Django, which exposes the data through API endpoints.
  2. Frontend: Developed with Nuxt 3, which consumes the API endpoints and visualizes the data in an interactive interface.

Installation and Setup



  1. Clone the repository
    git clone
  2. Navigate into it
  3. Setup backend
    • Navigate into the folder
      cd backend/
    • Create a virtual environment
      python -m venv .venv
    • Activate it
      .venv/Scripts/activate # Windows
      source .venv/bin/activate # Unix based systems
      • Make sure is activated using
        which python
        which pip
    • Install the dependencies
      pip install -r requirements.txt
    • Migrations and seed db
      See backend/data/ for more information. Keep in mind that this files are required. After done with this step, you can delete the files.
      python migrate
      python seed -Ft Saber11
      python seed -Ft SaberPro
    • Start the development server
      python runserver
  4. Setup frontend
    • Navigate into the folder
      cd frontend/
    • Install the dependencies
      npm install
    • Apply migrations
      npx prisma migrate dev
    • Run the app
      npm run dev
