The repository for the Systems team. Includes code, designs and documentation.
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The repository for the Systems Team. Contains all resources pertaining to the Systems Team, including: rover and base station code, custom PCB designs, electrical diagrams, and rover documentation. Clone this repository to your computer with Git Bash, GitHub Desktop, or another Git client to edit files. Talk to the current Systems Team Lead or the current MAVRIC Project Manager to get commit access so you can push your changes to the repository.

Repository Structure

MAVRIC maintains two rovers as of 12/2020: the previous-generation Phoenix and the next-gen Scarab. The code for Phoenix was captured as a GitHub release and can be viewed by checking out the Phoenix - Stable release, tagged v1.0.0. Use git checkout v1.0.0 in Git Bash or the equivalent feature in your Git client to load the Phoenix code. Each rover's code will be tagged with a release name and version number once it is complete; this repository will otherwise reflect the code state of the most recent rover in development.

Newer code is not backwards-compatible with previous generation rovers. For example, the base station software intended for use with Scarab is not compatible with Phoenix.

Wiki Documentation

Documentation about MAVRIC rovers, past and present, is recorded using the GitHub Wiki feature. Click the Wiki tab on the MAVRIC-Systems web page to open the wiki, then use the links in the sidebar to navigate to various wiki pages. Most information is up to date and the difference should be very noticeable, but if you are not able to tell the difference between current and outdated information, ask the current Systems Team Lead about it. Remember that this repository contains documentation for multiple rovers, so information that appears outdated may simply document a different rover than the one currently being developed.