IT-Academy-BCN / ita-profiles

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ITA Profiles


ITA Profiles is a project from IT Academy post-specialization course that allows students from our academy to gain experience in a team that is using SCRUM methodology, and several technologies often used by most tech companies. So, the main focus of the project is to help grow our students so they can learn to work in a team, question, think solutions and face the usual challenges.

The project now integrates both frontend and backend functionalities to provide a seamless experience for users.

How to install the project

We use docker containers to share the same versions of PHP and MySQL around all the team members. After cloning the project in your local environment, follow these steps:

  1. Install Docker by following the instructions here.

  2. Once Docker is installed, go to the project's root folder and build the containers by running:

docker compose up --build -d
  1. Verify that the containers are running by executing:
docker ps
  1. You can now run commands inside the container using the following format:
docker exec -it <app-container-name> <the-command>

For example:

docker exec -it php composer install
docker exec -it php php artisan migrate:fresh
docker exec -it php php artisan db:seed

Local Addresses

After the containers are up, you can access various tools locally:

PHPMyAdmin Credentials

Use the following credentials to access PHPMyAdmin:

Host: mysql
User: user
Password: password






To install the frontend, follow these steps:

git clone --
npm i
npm run dev

If a backend API is not available, you can use json-server. Start a local server to keep track of the db.json file:

npx json-server --watch db.json -m ./node_modules/json-server-auth

Change the port of the server if needed:

npx json-server --watch -p 3001 db.json -m ./node_modules/json-server-auth

Contribution Guidelines

Contributions are always welcome! Please follow these guidelines:

Folder Structure

Separation of Concerns

Git Workflow

  1. Branches: Create a new branch from the dev branch with a descriptive name for new features or bug fixes.
  2. Commits: Make frequent, well-documented commits with clear and concise messages.
  3. Pull Requests: Submit a pull request when your feature or bug fix is ready for review. Include a description of your changes and reference any related issues.

Code Quality

  1. Code Style: Maintain a consistent code style throughout the project. Use appropriate naming conventions, indentation, and follow any established coding standards.
  2. Code Reviews: Be open to feedback during code reviews to ensure code quality and maintainability.

Used By

This project is being used by IT Academy at Barcelona Activa.


Thanks to all the students whose hard work makes these projects possible and move forward.


What are the requirements to participate in projects?

Complete the React specialization at IT Academy.

Why should I collaborate on this project?

This project provides a real-world environment to apply all the concepts learned in the bootcamp. It also allows for learning more advanced concepts and facing real-life situations that may occur in a company.