Repo for ISESC's Website
2 stars 1 forks source link


To start working on this project, run the commands below in your terminal after you have cloned the repo to your local machine. Once done, use localhost:5173 to run it on your machine.

npm install
npm run dev


General development

Here are some pointers to get started developing:

  1. Check the current work assigned in the Issues tab.
  2. The Projects tab shows the work progress as well as the roadmap for our work.

Project Structure

  1. The lib folder is for your assets such as your images, components, css files, or script files.
  2. The routes folder is for your pages. To make a new page at http://localhost:5173/new-page you would make this: routes/new-page/+page.svelte.
  3. Create a new component in lib/components/ui/componentName.svelte and import it using import componentName from '$lib/components/ui/componentName.svelte';.
  4. Images should be stored in lib/assets/pageName/image.svg.