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Wrong sharee permission (again?) #1540

Open elisabettai opened 2 weeks ago

elisabettai commented 2 weeks ago

Didn't we fix this bug?


I am on and sim4life v3.2.27 is shared with Everybody as far as I can see

_Issue created from a Mattermost message by @elisabettai._

matusdrobuliak66 commented 2 weeks ago

Found the issue

In the function get_all_user_groups

async def get_all_user_groups(
    conn: SAConnection, user_id: UserID
) -> tuple[dict[str, Any], list[dict[str, Any]], dict[str, Any]]:
    Returns the user primary group, standard groups and the all group
    primary_group = {}
    user_groups = []
    all_group = {}

    query = (, user_to_groups.c.access_rights)
            user_to_groups.join(groups, user_to_groups.c.gid == groups.c.gid),
        .where(user_to_groups.c.uid == user_id)
    row: RowProxy
    async for row in conn.execute(query):
        if row.type == GroupType.EVERYONE:
            assert row.access_rights["read"]  # nosec
            all_group = convert_groups_db_to_schema(row)

        elif row.type == GroupType.PRIMARY:
            assert row.access_rights["read"]  # nosec
            primary_group = convert_groups_db_to_schema(row)

            assert row.type == GroupType.STANDARD  # nosec
            # only add if user has read access
            if row.access_rights["read"]:  # MD: <-- Why this is here?

    return (primary_group, user_groups, all_group)

We are filtering out row.access_rights["read"]. The product group has it set to false, so the product group is excluded. This needs to be changed. However, I understand there is a reason it was added here: the frontend doesn't want to see the product groups. We need to start differentiating between organizations for the frontend and all other groups.