This is an issue-only repo for the osparc project
# to show the help
# to install the requirements
make devenv
source .venv/bin/activate
# to create a milestone
# NOTE: you need a token in github to run these recipes
# In order to use these scripts one needs to:
# - get a Personal Access Token on github:
# - Resource owner must be ITISFoundation
# - Repository access must be: All repositories
# - Permissions on repositories: Issues ReadWrite
make new-milestone token=GITHUB_TOKEN title="dummy-name" due_on="2030-03-12"
make delete-milestone token=GITHUB_TOKEN title="dummy-name"
make modify-milestone title="dummy-name" nstate=closed
The code to create milestone uses a hard-coded list of repositories, don't be shy update it if it's missing information. Also, as this is open source, just feel free to improve the code...