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480691787: SPARC Portal Feedback #174

Closed KZzizzle closed 4 years ago

KZzizzle commented 4 years ago
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Name Sue Tappan


Can you provide a short description of what you were doing? Is the Clancy simulation a simulation not just a dataset?

Can you provide specific and detailed description? Dataset 63: indicates that it's a simulation, but your only option for action is to GET DATASET, not RUN SIMULATION. I don't understand the rules for when you are presented with the "run simulation" vs "get dataset" options.

How would you like the experience to improve? Clarify what the distinction between these options are. Should this dataset be curated by SIMCORE?

Click the box if you would like us to keep you in the loop as we work to resolve this issue.

Tell us where you found the issue and what you were trying to do.

My feedback is about: Analyze & Simulate

Additional Specificity

Copy+paste the hyperlink of the page on the Portal you were on.

What action were you doing on the Portal? Selecting data for simulation modeling

Please specify if you selected "Other" in the previous question.

Any additional information to share? compare to the options presented here:

KZzizzle commented 4 years ago

➤ DRC SIMCORE commented:

MBF SPARC This particular code was not submitted to SIM-core to be a run-able service. We do have other simulations from this group that are very similar but not exactly the same. Get dataset currently only allows for download of a file that contains the id to the template on Run simulation takes you to where you can run that simulation which is the most useful way to use that "dataset"

KZzizzle commented 4 years ago

➤ MBF SPARC commented:

DRC SIMCORE so, would it be more appopriate to rename the "get dataset" to something more appropriate for this situtation? maybe "GET OSPARC ID" ?

KZzizzle commented 4 years ago

➤ DRC SIMCORE commented:

MBF SPARC I suppose for the moment that would be more accurate but since in the future, we plan to have the input and output data come with with this as actual datasets, I think it may be more confusing to change it to "Get osparc id" now and then replace it later again with "get dataset"