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Should simulations be listed also as datasets? #176

Closed KZzizzle closed 4 years ago

KZzizzle commented 4 years ago
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Name Sue Tappan


Can you provide a short description of what you were doing? Browsing Simulations

Can you provide specific and detailed description? Should simulations be listed also as datasets? Some datasets are called simulations but aren't available to run as simulations, and all simulations have the ability to get dataset, but aren't listed as datasets. it's confusing.

How would you like the experience to improve? Clarify the situation please. Also, I think it's weird that Get Dataset is not the same style presentation for simulations as it is for datasets. it's not consistent. I understand presenting the run simulation button first, but i think Get Dataset should also always be a button. (perhaps make run simulation and get dataset buttons different but complimentary SPARC colors?)

Click the box if you would like us to keep you in the loop as we work to resolve this issue.

Tell us where you found the issue and what you were trying to do.

My feedback is about: Analyze & Simulate

Additional Specificity

Copy+paste the hyperlink of the page on the Portal you were on.

What action were you doing on the Portal? Selecting data for simulation modeling

Please specify if you selected "Other" in the previous question.

Any additional information to share? Note how small the text is for get dataset is here:

KZzizzle commented 4 years ago

➤ DRC SIMCORE commented:

MBF SPARC this question addresses a rather complex issue. Following your other ticket, get data for now is not very useful for simulations since it just gives a file with the id of the template on This will likely change over time since we have a joint milestone with MAP-Core to define a MIS for simulations and also its curation process but for the moment we cannot change the behavior of the two. Ultimately, get dataset will allow the user to download curated input and output data for that simulation but we still need to figure out the best way to do that. Run simulation is what actually allows a user to access the "dataset." the datasets called simulations but are not run-able are source code which has not been curated by SIM-core. We leave it up to PI's to work with us to create osparc services from this code. Hence, the only useful link for users is the "run simulation" for curated simulations on osparc and the only possible link for uncurated source code is "get dataset"