ITPNYU / booking-app

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As a Developer I want the app to push changes in booking status to the UI when they occur (rather than have the UI poll the db every ten seconds) so we don't accrue an unnecessarily high number of daily db reads. #333

Open nopivnick opened 1 month ago

nopivnick commented 1 month ago

it looks like one way to approach this is to use a Realtime Database rather than Cloud Firestore but it looks like the former is an older technology and Google seems to encourage the use of the later.

nopivnick commented 1 month ago


where there's mention of setting up a "listener".

lucia-gomez commented 1 month ago

even if we use that i think we'll still have an additional problem to solve, which is pushing data from nextjs server/API endpoint to frontend. Usually I would use websockets for that, so the server pushes data to the frontend via a websocket, but I've read that GAE doesn't like that. Riho would know better about if that's true or not

Unless we want to have our UI directly listen to these firestore changes... but I'd rather keep that behavior serverside unless that's not how things work in nextjs land

lucia-gomez commented 1 month ago

also i believe the initial reason we implemented the 10s polling was because auto approval status updates were taking so long with Google Sheets that we had to refresh the page to see if a booking we just made was indeed auto approved. But those seem to happen much faster now so this isn't a big issue anymore. Might not be worth sinking time into investigating this right now

rlho commented 1 month ago

@nopivnick GAE's design primarily assumes stateless, short-term request processing, so it doesn't natively support Web Sockets which maintain long-term connections. Implementing this would require new middleware like Cloud Pub/Sub, which would also increase database access and costs. This issue is about preventing loss of user experience when users happen to select the same room booked at the same time. I think this case doesn't occur very often, so the implementation and management costs might not be worth it for now. How about we lower the priority for now and tackle it more thoroughly later?

nopivnick commented 1 month ago


This issue is about preventing loss of user experience when users happen to select the same room booked at the same time.

my concern is actually less about the above scenario than it is not wanting PAs (and Admins) to have to constantly refresh the Bookings table to get the latest status info.

regardless, we need to optimize our db reads. the number of daily reads is excessive and it's only the three of us touching the app!
