ITPNYU / booking-app

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370J Media Commons Room Reservation App


This application is designed for reserving rooms at the 370J Media Commons Room.

Technologies Used


We employ GitHub workflows for our deployment process. Pushing or merging to different branches will automatically trigger different Google App Script deploys:

The NODE_ENV environment variable controls where we serve from, and the CALENDAR_ENV environment variable controls which calendars we use. These values are specified in the package.json commands triggered by the workflows


Before setting up the project, ensure you have the following:

Setup Instructions

When developing locally, please follow the flow below.

  1. Clone the Repository:

  2. Configure .clasprc.json: Set up the .clasprc.json file with the necessary credentials.

  3. Install Packages:

    npm install
  4. Upload Local Code to Google App Script:

    npm run start

    Please continue running this and execute the following command.

  5. Create a New Version of Google App Script: Deploy using clasp, targeting your deploymentId:

    clasp deploy --deploymentId ${deploymentID} -d DEV_YOURNAME
  6. Access the Application: You can now access the app at${deploymentId}/exec.