ITR13 / ITR-sMelonCameras

Allows you to spawn multiple cameras to view with through a json file
GNU General Public License v3.0
17 stars 5 forks source link

Both versions broken on CB-Remaster #1

Open Bluscream opened 3 years ago

Bluscream commented 3 years ago


[13:09:06.963] ------------------------------
[13:09:06.964] MelonLoader v0.3.0 ALPHA Pre-Release
[13:09:06.964] Hash Code: 25881
[13:09:06.965] OS: Windows 10
[13:09:06.965] ------------------------------
[13:09:06.966] Name: CB-Remaster
[13:09:06.967] Developer: señorDane
[13:09:06.967] Unity Version: 2019.3.6
[13:09:06.968] Type: MonoBleedingEdge
[13:09:06.968] Arch: x64
[13:09:06.969] ------------------------------
[13:09:12.535] [ITR's_Melon_Cameras] [ERROR] System.TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with token 01000027 (from typeref, class/assembly UnityEngine.Input, UnityEngine.CoreModule, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null)
  at MelonCameraMod.CameraMod.OnUpdate () [0x00001] in <926d57d842274e9cbb16677e9b161449>:0 
  at MelonLoader.MelonHandler.OnUpdate () [0x00070] in <61bd2bb7fbe24a28bc977e05ef482f41>:0 


[13:07:52.011] ------------------------------
[13:07:52.012] MelonLoader v0.3.0 ALPHA Pre-Release
[13:07:52.013] Hash Code: 25881
[13:07:52.015] OS: Windows 10
[13:07:52.016] ------------------------------
[13:07:52.016] Name: CB-Remaster
[13:07:52.017] Developer: señorDane
[13:07:52.017] Unity Version: 2019.3.6
[13:07:52.018] Type: MonoBleedingEdge
[13:07:52.018] Arch: x64
[13:07:52.019] ------------------------------
13:07:57.626] [ITR's_Melon_Cameras] Creating default config file at "S:\Games\SCP Containment Breach Unity\UserData\CameraConfig.json"
[13:07:57.642] [ITR's_Melon_Cameras] Updating camera configs
[13:07:57.661] [ITR's_Melon_Cameras] Creating 2 cameras
[13:07:58.228] [ITR's_Melon_Cameras] [ERROR] System.InvalidOperationException: You are trying to read Input using the UnityEngine.Input class, but you have switched active Input handling to Input System package in Player Settings.

  at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Input.GetKeyInt(UnityEngine.KeyCode)

  at UnityEngine.Input.GetKey (UnityEngine.KeyCode key) [0x00001] in <a107d7e36e0048b18d7edb390dccd66c>:0 

  at MelonCameraMod.CameraMod.CheckToggles () [0x00030] in <012048d476104222b4f8b627e0f4739b>:0 

  at MelonCameraMod.CameraMod.OnUpdate () [0x00001] in <012048d476104222b4f8b627e0f4739b>:0 

  at MelonLoader.MelonHandler.OnUpdate () [0x00070] in <61bd2bb7fbe24a28bc977e05ef482f41>:0 
ITR13 commented 3 years ago

Ah, they must be using the experimental package, nice to see ^^ Shouldn't be too difficult to fix