ITU-BDSA2024-GROUP23 / Chirp

🐥 Chirp platform
Apache License 2.0
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api chirp cli database dotnet web workflow


Chirp project, developed following the course Analysis, Design and Software Architecture (Autumn 2024).

Check out our documentation at

Committing not working code

If the code that you are working on breaks other services, it should never end up in the production environment. Instead use the staging branch until the code is working and is in sync with the other services. Then create a pull request from staging to main and wait for other group members to approve it.

Using git hooks

Using git hooks can help you correct mistakes before pushing your code. This uses dotnet format to mitigate the linting step in the workflow failing. You need to change the folder used for git hooks for this to work since it normally is in .git/hooks wich is not commited to version control. Run the following command to change what folder git uses for hooks.

git config --local core.hooksPath .githooks/

This only changes the local repository config. If you want to change to global config, you can use --global instead of the flag --local.

Branch naming conventions

All branches are all lowercase and uses - instead of spaces.

Branches prefixes

What prefixes to use when creating a new branch.

If the operation is not here, wait for group meeting or start a conversation in issue.

Branch purpose Prefix
Refactor of feature refactor/
Creating new feature feature/
Feature enhancment enhancement/


This project uses .NET 7.0 to run. Usage of other versions is not recommended.
