ITotalJustice / notorious_beeg

gba emulator written in c++23
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Using SDL textures with a non native format is slow #95

Closed ITotalJustice closed 2 years ago

ITotalJustice commented 2 years ago

This occurred to me when I merged my gb emulator with this gba one. The performance was about 12% cpu, whereas the C version was 7-8% CPU. That's a 50% slowdown in GB games!

In the end I found the culprit, it was the SDL texture. Currently I create the texture with bgr555 format. It seems to do some software side converting of the format when locking / updating the texture, rending in itself is fine.

In the C version, I created the texture based on the pixel format of the window.

What I should do is set the pixels from the frontend and set any of the following bpp: 8,16,32. Then have a callback that is called before rendering to convert pram to the correct format. This also allows the frontend to do any changes to the colours.

On GB side, I can easily to pram caching the reduce the number of calls to the callback.

This can be done on the gba side but may be slowers as there will be slight overhead in writes. Also, mode3 doesn't use pram, it uses vram directly

The implementation for rendering will now use templates, which accept either u8,u16,u32 based on the bpp. This will bloat out the binary size quite a bit (especially gba side of things).

Maybe a better approach is to render to a 32bit array first, then, loop over the array copying the pixels to the actual pixel array. (This is what I currently do in my gb emulator).

ITotalJustice commented 2 years ago

I have implemented the above:

The gba side is very inefficient. There are a few ways to improve this.

Not a fan of the second option, it means writing even more code in the core which shouldn't be there. The core should just be emulating the gba, not doing fancy colour stuff.

First option seems better.

ITotalJustice commented 2 years ago

this was fixed in