IakovlevIA / structural-complexity

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Using this script one can calculate structural complexity for data presented in paper "Multi-scale structural complexity of natural patterns" by A.A. Bagrov, I.A. Iakovlev, A.A. Iliasov, M.I. Katsnelson and V.V. Mazurenko. All the parameters are given in this paper. Due to the limitations of github the data is available via the following link https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ceo7O_qpYyFimExON5lsbwB48Ro2OPDe?usp=sharing

In the input file one can specify the following parameters:

!n-linear lattice dimension from input file

!number of overlaps to be calculated

!step k at which we start to calculate complexity (less than the previous number)

!lambda - linear dimension of the filter

!number of configurations

!mode (which type of data you want to use)