Iamogeee / site-unit2-project1-music-playlist-explorer-starter

Starter code for the Music Playlist Explorer project
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📝 NOTE Use this template to initialize the contents of a README.md file for your application. As you work on your assignment over the course of the week, update the required or stretch features lists to indicate which features you have completed by changing [ ] to [x]. (🚫 Remove this paragraph before submitting your assignment.)

Unit 2 Assignment: Music Playlist Explorer

Submitted by: NAME

Estimated time spent: # hours spent in total

Deployed Application (optional): Music Playlist Explorer Deployed Site

Application Features



Walkthrough Video

TODO:// Add the embedded URL code to your animated app walkthrough below, ADD_EMBEDDED_CODE_HERE. Make sure the video actually renders and is playable when viewing this README. (🚫 Remove this paragraph after adding walkthrough video)



Add your response here

Add your response here

Add your response here

Open-source libraries used

Shout out

Give a shout out to somebody from your cohort that especially helped you during your project. This can be a fellow peer, instructor, TA, mentor, etc.