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People sometimes don’t like drones because they have many pros but they can be a huge invasion of privacy or dangerous
Games and social media can help connect people that otherwise would have never met.
People can sometimes spend more time on a computer than they do sleeping
A kid age 17 was addicted to WoW and it impacted him badly
Later he cut but on playing games and realized how good life was
It will not always allow you to interact with a human when calling
Computing can allow people to be connected but it also means bad people can be connected easier
Computing can automate things for humans making life easier but many people could lose jobs
Computing allows for better authentication but also makes it easier for other people to get into accounts
People in poorer countries and areas will have a lesser chance of using technology
People that do have technology may be restricted to old software or hardware for various reasons
The Pandemic was especially bad for some areas because when people had to quarantine they didn’t have access to technology to work or school from home
Someone could make sure they are constantly updated on everything and try and get access to technology
Someone who is empowered could offer another less fortunate person old computers or technology for a discounted price or free.
Red tape blocking is not empowering because it restricts users of the internet to whatever the admins believe is right. We have that at DNHS with the wifi block
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