Iconem / search-satellite-imagery

Search satellite Imagery Archive on aggregators like UP42, skywatch, EOS via their respective APIs
MIT License
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Deep-links/Permalinks to imagery items on original platform #11

Open jo-chemla opened 1 year ago

jo-chemla commented 1 year ago

Helps order making/deep-links when available (no deep-links for any platform when checked unfortunately): make selection, export requests email with scene IDs, permalinks.

### Tasks for hosts with deep-links / clean permalinks
- [ ] EOS: https://eos.com/landviewer/?lat=52.30412&lng=4.72086&z=13&preset=highResolutionSensors&selectedTab=0&purchase-scene=3bc8eebb52cf8cfb64ced1df2a95857b
- [ ] Skyfi: [https://app.skyfi.com/explore/crop/SATELLOGIC:9afb3147-1aa4-46f7-bdf0-a6d41b5c015c?aoi=POLYGON ((-97.73770052450017 30.271803525148098, -97.7377...](https://app.skyfi.com/explore/crop/SATELLOGIC:9afb3147-1aa4-46f7-bdf0-a6d41b5c015c?aoi=POLYGON+%28%28-97.73770052450017+30.271803525148098%2C+-97.73770102997462+30.262498239473427%2C+-97.74842057002537+30.262498239473427%2C+-97.74842107549982+30.271803525148098%2C+-97.73770052450017+30.271803525148098%29%29)
- [ ] OpenAerialMap: https://map.openaerialmap.org/#/0,0,3/latest/{imagery_id}
### Tracking hosts without deep-links
- [ ] Up42 don't have them yet, but hopefully being implemented (see [twitter thread](https://x.com/jo_chemla/status/1684952951557685249), re-ping'ed 2024-06-21)
- [ ] Skywatch don't have them yet, but hopefully being implemented (see [twitter thread](https://x.com/jo_chemla/status/1684952951557685249), re-ping'ed 2024-06-21). Otherwise, could send POST payload to add to cart https://explore.skywatch.com (base64 encoded search_id + result_id)
- [x] Not useful, cannot buy on maxar: Maxar sends post request to https://api.discover.digitalglobe.com/v1/store
- [ ] Arlula has no deep-link page to item/imagery
- [ ] Apollo Mapping ImageHunter can save search doing POST on [/ajax/upload/search](https://imagehunter-api.apollomapping.com/ajax/upload/search) but won't retain item selection