Iconem / search-satellite-imagery

Search satellite Imagery Archive on aggregators like UP42, skywatch, EOS via their respective APIs
MIT License
44 stars 2 forks source link
earth-observation eo gis javascript map mapbox react satellite satellite-imagery ts visualization visx


NOTE: App is completely client-side for easier maintenance plus avoid tracking searches, so need to install a plugin like Allow-CORS (Chrome / Firefox)

Search satellite Imagery Archive on aggregators via their respective APIs (official or not), like:



Possible todos:

Short Term

New agregations:

New Features/Fixes

Long Term

Serverless Proxy server - STAC conversion

Important Feature: Proxy server middleware when app will not be client only, to remove the need for Allow-CORS plugin. Would be great to be a complete STAC catalog endpoint - translating each aggregator API into a fully compliant STAC API. Probable go-to route: use Serverless deployments. Next-js embeds them by default within /pages/api folder, vercel can do so as well, nextjs can be converted to AWS Lambda or Azure Functions with other tools.




npm install
npm run start
npm run build

Design choices

React-map module

react-map-gl vs react-mapbox-gl

Two options:

Fetching POST/REST

ky (built on the Fetch api, has retries, simpler syntax) seem a better choice than axios (built on the older XmlHttpRequest api)