(Apache Kafka)[https://kafka.apache.org/]
This module uses the Kafka 2.2.1 library, which is able to communicate with older versions of Kafka servers as well. The implementation includes consumer and producer functions.
RPC is used as the interface to maintain the Ignition gateway to be the only entity directly communicating with the Kafka server. Ignition clients will call RPC functions to perform the subscription.
Gateway global objects are used to store the consumer and producer objects in memory. This way the consumer/producer objects do not have to be created every time the consumer poll is needed to execute or whenn sending data to kafka.
SSL has been included in the implementation. The function to add SSL to a properties object has been seperated so that it can be used by consumer and producer.
Kafka is a pub-sub protocol allowing for various counterparts to publish messages and subscribe to messages.
You will need the following to use this module:
Compile and install the module. Note: If you are installing an unsigned version of the module, ensure Ignition is configured in developer mode to allow unsigned modules to run. Alternatively you can sign the module and install the module into any gateway.
To configure SSL:
C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition\webserver\ssl.key
C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition\data\truststore.jks
** Edit : As of 8.1 Ignition changed the truststore path to: C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition\data\certificates
Consumer Usage:
serverPath = 'server:9093'
consumer = system.kafka.getSSLConsumer(serverPath,'topicname','groupname') # if SSL is desired
# consumer = system.kafka.getConsumer(serverPath,'topicname','groupname') # If ssl is not required
for record in consumer:
print record["value"], record["timestamp"],record["offset"],record["key"],record["partition"]
Producer Usage:
serverPath = ""
producerKey = system.kafka.createProducer(serverPath)
#producerKey = system.kafka.createSSLProducer(serverPath)
success = system.kafka.transmitData(
"This data was produced by Ignition"
if success:
print("Data successfully sent")
print("Issue encountered")