Igor-Lira / bee-empire

A strategy multiplayer game to expand your bee empire over enemies corners.
MIT License
5 stars 2 forks source link


A strategy multiplayer game to expand your bee empire by attacking enemies corners.

Tech notes

How to run this project

Run the server for development (You need to have Node and NPM installed):

npm install
npm run start

Run server using Docker (You need to have Docker installed):

docker compose up --build

Then connect to the client (open the index.html file in a navigator)

How to play

You start with your own hexagon populated with a small army of bees. Select your bees by draging the mouse over, then right click right where you want to move them.

Attack enemies by placing your bees next to the enemies walls. If enemy doesn't come to fight back for the wall, you will conquer it after a while. You also conquer all enemies bees inside the conquered hexagon.

Game finishes when a player conquers all walls in the world. When that happens, server resets.

How to contribute

Comment in the issue saying you're currently working on it to let me assign to you. Fork the project:

git fork https://github.com/Igor-Lira/bee-empire.git

Create a new branch and commit your modifications. Flag the issue number in your commit message:

[#3]: update the move bee logic to avoid collisions

Push your branch to your fork project and do a Pull Request