IhsanDevs / EdgeGPT

Bing AI Chatbot WebSocket API Wrapper for PHP
MIT License
21 stars 5 forks source link

This project has been discontinued and can no longer be used. Because Bing security will always be updated regularly, of course. But not with this project, the time factor and bypass some of Bing's increasingly updated security.


Edge-GPT: Bing AI Chatbot WebSocket API Wrapper for PHP

The ihsandevs/edge-gpt library is a powerful and easy-to-use PHP wrapper for the Bing AI Chatbot, leveraging the WebSocket API. Seamlessly integrate the advanced conversational capabilities of Bing's AI Chatbot into your PHP projects and create engaging user experiences with ease.




Getting authentication (Required)


To use this library, you can use Composer to install it. Run the following command:

composer require ihsandevs/php-edge-gpt



require(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

use Ihsandevs\EdgeGpt\Chatbot;

$bot = new Chatbot(__DIR__ . '/cookies.json');

// You can use the following conversation styles: CREATIVE, BALANCED, PRECISE. Or you can keep it empty.
$response = $bot->ask('Buatkan kode php untuk menampilkan "Hello Ihsan Devs" pada terminal.', 'PRECISE');

echo $response->answer();
