ImDedInside-git / os-class12

Analysis on OS Market Share
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Analysis of Operating System Market Share


Project Status


Writing [^1]



The objective of this project is to highlight the use cases of python and its libraries, mainly matplotlib and NumPy by showing the distribution of Operating Systems in the world.


An operating system (OS) is a system software that, after being initially loaded into the computer by a bootloader, manages computer hardware, software resources, and provides common services for computer programs.


This project is prepared by a group of students from class 12-D using Google Docs, GEISB, GNU Linux, Neovim, Python3, Visual Studio Code & Mozilla Firefox.

Project Analysis

With the help of the project, we aim to help you to understand the market share of different Operating Systems in the industry. The OS market share since its inception has seen many changes and we aim to analyze those changes in this project.


Every Operating System has its own strengths and weaknesses. Windows is popular because of its ease of use and the plethora of software and games made for it. Its weaknesses are its cost, low stability, high system requirements and built-in telemetry. MacOS is popular among entrepreneurs and executives who favor a clean and elegant GUI as well as some degree of stability and security. Linux based distros are the go-to Operating Systems in the server and supercomputer world because of its unrivaled performance and stability. Desktop Linux with a GUI is used by Super Users who want more granular control over their PC, which Windows does not allow.

Team Members


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my Informatics Practices teacher, Mrs. Jean Sara Ajith for the instructions given and for teaching me about these modules. I would also like to thank my teammates for the support and assistance in submitting this Synopsis on the project we have undertaken.

[^1]: I don't know the format of this shit [^2]: Eat cum fags. this is all the code ull need to complete this shit. IF YOU CANT DO THIS IM GOIN SOLO AND NOT SHARING THE SOURCE CODE. COPE [^3]: Very helpful Noida nigger. Knows more than CS students coz he smort now go and suck his ASCII pp. [^4]: Random Homeless Mallu faggot picked from the streets of Manama