Imageomics / pyMorphoSource

Python package to interact with morphosource
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Python package for interacting with the MorphoSource API.

NOTE: By using this package to download files from MorphoSource you are consenting to the user agreements of those specific files. See MorphoSource Terms of Use for more details.

Table of Contents


pip install --upgrade morphosource


Downloading files using the MorphoSource API requires an API Key. To create the API Key:



Search Media

The search_media() function allows searching for media in MorphoSource.

This function is the equivalent of searching in the MorphoSource website with "Media" chosen: morphosource media search

This example searches media checking all fields for "Fruitadens".

from morphosource import search_media

results = search_media("Fruitadens")
print("Found", results.pages["total_count"], "items")
for media in results.items:
    print(, media.title)

Example Output:

Found 5 items
000390223 Dentary Teeth [Mesh] [CT]
000390218 Maxillary Teeth [Mesh] [CT]
000390213 Maxillary Teeth [Mesh] [CT]
000390208 Dentary Teeth [Mesh] [CT]
000390204 Maxillary Teeth [Mesh] [CT]

By default search_media() will fetch all items, which can be slow for certain queries. To fetch a limited set of items pass the page and per_page parameters.

Search and Download Open Media

MorphoSource contains some media that has restricted download status. The search_media() visibility parameter allows filtering for OPEN or RESTRICTED download media. To download a media file requires a MorphoSource API key, a use statement, and use categories. This example expects the MorphoSource API key to be supplied via an environment variable.

import os
from morphosource import search_media, DownloadConfig, DownloadVisibility

download_config = DownloadConfig(
  use_statement="Downloading this data as part of a research project.",

results = search_media("Fruitadens", visibility=DownloadVisibility.OPEN)
for media in results.items:
    path = f"{}.zip"
    print(f"Downloading {} {media.title} to {path}")
    media.download_bundle(path, download_config)

Next you need to use the MorphoSource API key created following Create an API Key instructions. To set the API_KEY environment variable run the following filling in your API KEY:

export API_KEY=<MorphoSource-API-Key>

Then you can run the python script.

Example Output:

Downloading 000390223 Dentary Teeth [Mesh] [CT] to
Downloading 000390218 Maxillary Teeth [Mesh] [CT] to
Downloading 000390213 Maxillary Teeth [Mesh] [CT] to
Downloading 000390208 Dentary Teeth [Mesh] [CT] to
Downloading 000390204 Maxillary Teeth [Mesh] [CT] to

If you attempt to download restricted media that you have not received permissions for, a RestrictedDownloadError exception will be raised. Requesting permissions for some media must be done via MorphoSource. Once you have received permission, you can use this package to download the media.

Search Media Advanced

The search_media has some additional parameters to filter the items returned.

This example uses many parameters to search for the first 4 media matching the combined filters.

from morphosource import search_media

results = search_media("X-Ray",  taxonomy_gbif="Chalcides", media_type="Mesh", media_tag="pelvis",
                       per_page=4, page=1)
print("Found", results.pages["total_count"], "items")
for media in results.items:
    print(, media.title)

Example Output:

Found 50 items
000427170 Pelvis [Mesh] [CT]
000427163 Pelvis [Mesh] [CT]
000427156 Pelvis [Mesh] [CT]
000427149 Pelvis [Mesh] [CT]

Get Single Media

The get_media() function can be used to retrieve details about a single media object.

In this example we fetch media with id "000425163". The data property contains all fields returned from the MorphoSource API. The get_website_url() method returns a URL to view the media in the MorphoSource website. The get_thumbnail_url() method returns a URL for the media's thumbnail image.

from morphosource import get_media

media = get_media(media_id="000425163")
print(, media.title)

Example Output:

000425163 Humerus [Mesh] [CT]
{'id': ['000425163'], 'title': ['Humerus [Mesh] [CT]'], 'media_type': ['Mesh'], 'modality': ['MicroNanoXRayComputedTomography'], 'device': ['Nikon Metrology XT H 225 ST'], ...

If the media id isn't found a morphosource.api.ItemNotFound exception will be raised.

Get Media Metadata

The Media object method get_file_metadata() can be used to retrieve file metadata for the media object.

In this example we fetch media with id "000425163" and lookup file metadata information. Note that the returned file size is given in bytes. The data property contains all fields returned from the MorphoSource API.

from morphosource import get_media

media = get_media(media_id="000425163")
metadata = media.get_file_metadata()
print("Filename:", metadata.file_name)
print("File size:", metadata.file_size)

Example Output:

Filename: Carettochelys_insculpta_KU-herps-158563_Humerus_right.ply
File size: 2875371
{...'point_count': ['64832'], 'face_count': ['131068'], 'has_uv_space': ['False'],...}

Some MorphoSource media have no file and thereby have no file metadata. If you attempt to retrieve metadata for such media a MetadataMissingError exception will be raised.

Physical Objects

In MorphoSource a physical object can be associated with multiple media. For example a specific turtle could have different scans of various body parts. The turtle will be represented as a physicial object and each scan will be represented as a media object. Physical objects have two types Biological Specimen and Cultural Heritage Object.

Search Physical Objects

The search_objects() function allows searching biological specimen and/or cultural heritage objects in MorphoSource.

This function is the equivalent of searching in the MorphoSource website with "Objects" chosen: morphosource media search

This example searches both physical object types checking all fields for "Fruitadens".

from morphosource import search_objects

results = search_objects("Fruitadens")

for item in results.items:
    print(, item.title, item.type)

Example Output:

000390220 LACM:DI:128258 Biological Specimen
000390215 LACM:DI:128258 Biological Specimen
000390210 LACM:DI:128258 Biological Specimen
000390201 LACM:DI:115747 Biological Specimen

Search Biological Specimens

The object_type parameter for search_objects() can be used with ObjectTypes.BIOLOGICAL_SPECIMEN or ObjectTypes.CULTURAL_HERITAGE to filter for a particular object type.

This example searches for biological specimens returning the first 4 physical objects matching the combined filters.

from morphosource import search_objects, ObjectTypes

results = search_objects("U.W,", object_type=ObjectTypes.BIOLOGICAL_SPECIMEN,
                         taxonomy_gbif="Primates", media_type="Mesh",
                         media_tag="Homo naledi", per_page=4, page=1)

for item in results.items:
    print(, item.title)

Example Output:

000394512 U.W.110
000394640 U.W.110-11
000394627 U.W.110-10
000394614 U.W.110-9

Get Physical Object

The get_object() function can be used to retrieve details about a single physical object.

In this example we fetch the physical object with id "000394640". The data property contains all fields returned from the MorphoSource API.

from morphosource import get_object

obj = get_object("000394640")

print(, obj.title, obj.type)

Example Output:

000394640 U.W.110-11 Biological Specimen
{'id': ['000394640'], 'title': ['U.W.110-11'], 'organization': ['Centre for the Exploration of the Deep Human Journey'], ...}

Find Media for a Physical Object

The get_media_ary() physical object method returns an array of media associated with the physical object. By default this includes both open and restricted media. The get_media_ary() visibility parameter allows filtering for OPEN or RESTRICTED download media.

from morphosource import get_object, DownloadVisibility

obj = get_object("0000S2086")
for media in obj.get_media_ary(visibility=DownloadVisibility.OPEN):
    print(, media.title)

Example Output:

000006433 Femur Proximal [Mesh] [Etc]
000006434 Element Unspecified [Image] [Etc]

The zip bundle associated with each media can be downloaded using media.download_bundle().