ImagingDataCommons / IDC-WebApp

Web Application front end for IDC (CORE REPO)
Apache License 2.0
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Add license information to the portal #721

Closed fedorov closed 2 years ago

fedorov commented 3 years ago

Per discussion in the prioritization doc:


Licenses we have retrieved at this moment are below.

@kirbyju can you please confirm we can go ahead with those?

4D-Lung                          CC BY 4.0
AAPM-RT-MAC                      CC BY 3.0
ACNS0332                         CC BY 4.0
ACRIN-6698                       CC BY 3.0
ACRIN-Contralateral-Breast-MR    CC BY 4.0
ACRIN-DSC-MR-Brain               CC BY 4.0
ACRIN-FLT-Breast                 CC BY 3.0
ACRIN-FMISO-Brain                CC BY 3.0
ACRIN-NSCLC-FDG-PET              CC BY 3.0
AHEP0731                         CC BY 4.0
APOLLO                           CC BY 3.0
APOLLO-1-Pilot                   CC BY 3.0
APOLLO-5-LSCC                    CC BY 4.0
Anti-PD-1_Lung                   CC BY 3.0
Anti-PD-1_MELANOMA               CC BY 3.0
Apollo2-Ovarian-Pilot            CC BY 3.0
B-mode-and-CEUS-Liver            CC BY 4.0
BREAST-DIAGNOSIS                 CC BY 3.0
Bladder Training                 CC BY 3.0
Brain-Tumor-Progression          CC BY 3.0
Breast-Cancer-Screening-DBT      CC BY-NC 4.0
Breast-MRI-NACT-Pilot            CC BY 3.0
C4KC-KiTS                        CC BY 3.0
CALGB50303                       CC BY 4.0
CBIS-DDSM                        CC BY 3.0
CC-Radiomics-Phantom             CC BY 3.0
CC-Radiomics-Phantom-2           CC BY 3.0
CC-Radiomics-Phantom-3           CC BY 3.0
CITN-09                          CC BY 3.0
CMB-CRC                          CC BY 4.0
CMB-LCA                          CC BY 4.0
CMB-MEL                          CC BY 4.0
CMB-MML                          CC BY 4.0
CMMD                             CC BY 4.0
CMMN-mouse                       CC BY 3.0
COVID-19                         CC BY 3.0
COVID-19-AR                      CC BY 4.0
COVID-19-NY-SBU                  CC BY 4.0
CPTAC-CCRCC                      CC BY 3.0
CPTAC-CM                         CC BY 3.0
CPTAC-GBM                        CC BY 3.0
CPTAC-HNSCC                      CC BY 3.0
CPTAC-LSCC                       CC BY 3.0
CPTAC-LUAD                       CC BY 3.0
CPTAC-PDA                        CC BY 3.0
CPTAC-SAR                        CC BY 3.0
CPTAC-UCEC                       CC BY 3.0
CT COLONOGRAPHY                  CC BY 3.0
CT Lymph Nodes                   CC BY 3.0
DRO-Toolkit                      CC BY 3.0
Duke-Breast-Cancer-MRI           CC BY-NC 4.0
Exceptional-Responders           CC BY 3.0
HNSCC                            CC BY 3.0
HNSCC-3DCT-RT                    CC BY 3.0
Head-Neck Cetuximab              CC BY 3.0
Head-Neck-PET-CT                 CC BY 3.0
ICDC-Glioma                      CC BY 4.0
ISPY1                            CC BY 3.0
IvyGAP                           CC BY 3.0
LCTSC                            CC BY 3.0
LDCT-and-Projection-data         CC BY 3.0
LGG-1p19qDeletion                CC BY 3.0
LIDC-IDRI                        CC BY 3.0
Lung Phantom                     CC BY 3.0
Lung-Fused-CT-Pathology          CC BY 3.0
Lung-PET-CT-Dx                   CC BY 4.0
LungCT-Diagnosis                 CC BY 3.0
MIDRC-RICORD-1A                  CC BY-NC 4.0
MIDRC-RICORD-1B                  CC BY-NC 4.0
MIDRC-RICORD-1C                  CC BY-NC 4.0
MRI-DIR                          CC BY 3.0
Mouse-Astrocytoma                CC BY 3.0
Mouse-Mammary                    CC BY 3.0
NRG-1106                         CC BY 3.0
NRG-1308                         CC BY 3.0
NSCLC Radiogenomics              CC BY 3.0
NSCLC-Cetuximab                  CC BY 3.0
NSCLC-Radiomics                  CC BY-NC 3.0
NSCLC-Radiomics-Genomics         CC BY-NC 3.0
NSCLC-Radiomics-Interobserver1   CC BY 3.0
NaF PROSTATE                     CC BY 3.0
OPC-Radiomics                    CC BY 3.0
OV Training                      CC BY 3.0
PDMR-292921-168-R                CC BY 4.0
PDMR-425362-245-T                CC BY 4.0
PDMR-833975-119-R                CC BY 4.0
PDMR-997537-175-T                CC BY 4.0
PDMR-BL0293-F563                 CC BY 3.0
PDX-Mouse-Bladder                CC BY 3.0
PDX-Pilot                        CC BY 3.0
PROSTATE-DIAGNOSIS               CC BY 3.0
PROSTATE-MRI                     CC BY 3.0
PROSTATEx                        CC BY 3.0
Pancreas-CT                      CC BY 3.0
Pelvic-Reference-Data            CC BY 3.0
Phantom FDA                      CC BY-NC 3.0
Prostate Fused-MRI-Pathology     CC BY 3.0
Prostate-3T                      CC BY 3.0
Prostate-Cancer-MRI              CC BY 3.0
Prostate-Challenge               CC BY 3.0
Prostate-MRI-US-Biopsy           CC BY 4.0
Pseudo-PHI-DICOM-Data            CC BY 4.0
QIBA CT-1C                       CC BY 3.0
QIBA-CT-Liver-Phantom            CC BY 4.0
QIN BRAIN                        CC BY 3.0
QIN Breast DCE-MRI               CC BY 3.0
QIN DCE-MRI Challenge            CC BY 3.0
QIN GBM DCE-MRI                  CC BY 3.0
QIN GBM Treatment Response       CC BY 3.0
QIN LUNG                         CC BY 3.0
QIN LUNG CT                      CC BY 3.0
QIN LUNG LSC                     CC BY 3.0
QIN PET Phantom                  CC BY 3.0
QIN PHANTOM                      CC BY 3.0
QIN PROSTATE                     CC BY 3.0
QIN-ADC-Challenge                CC BY 3.0
QIN-BRAIN-DSC-MRI                CC BY 3.0
QIN-BREAST                       CC BY 3.0
QIN-BREAST-02                    CC BY 3.0
QIN-HEADNECK                     CC BY 3.0
QIN-PHANTOM                      CC BY 3.0
QIN-PROSTATE                     CC BY 3.0
QIN-PROSTATE-Repeatability       CC BY 4.0
QIN-SARCOMA                      CC BY 3.0
REMBRANDT                        CC BY 3.0
RIDER Breast MRI                 CC BY 3.0
RIDER Lung CT                    CC BY 3.0
RIDER Lung PET-CT                CC BY 3.0
RIDER NEURO MRI                  CC BY 3.0
RIDER PHANTOM MRI                CC BY 3.0
RIDER PHANTOM PET-CT             CC BY 3.0
Renal Training                   CC BY 3.0
SPIE-AAPM Lung CT Challenge      CC BY 3.0
Soft-tissue-Sarcoma              CC BY 3.0
TCGA-BLCA                        CC BY 3.0
TCGA-BRCA                        CC BY 3.0
TCGA-CESC                        CC BY 3.0
TCGA-COAD                        CC BY 3.0
TCGA-ESCA                        CC BY 3.0
TCGA-GBM                         CC BY 3.0
TCGA-HNSC                        CC BY 3.0
TCGA-KICH                        CC BY 3.0
TCGA-KIRC                        CC BY 3.0
TCGA-KIRP                        CC BY 3.0
TCGA-LGG                         CC BY 3.0
TCGA-LIHC                        CC BY 3.0
TCGA-LUAD                        CC BY 3.0
TCGA-LUSC                        CC BY 3.0
TCGA-OV                          CC BY 3.0
TCGA-PRAD                        CC BY 3.0
TCGA-READ                        CC BY 3.0
TCGA-SARC                        CC BY 3.0
TCGA-STAD                        CC BY 3.0
TCGA-THCA                        CC BY 3.0
TCGA-UCEC                        CC BY 3.0
UPENN-GBM                        CC BY 4.0
VICTRE                           CC BY 3.0
Vestibular-Schwannoma-SEG        CC BY 4.0
kirbyju commented 3 years ago

Hi Andrey,

When datasets are "restricted-access" they should not be redistributed by IDC regardless of their license setting. These restricted datasets should have a license that specifies that you're only allowed to do whatever was agreed when you requested access, but we haven't had a chance to get this fixed in NBIA's license settings yet. In the meantime, I think if you exclude anything that's restricted from your list below it should be fine. If you want to send it to me one more time after you've done that I can sanity check it again.

Thanks, Justin

Justin Kirby (contractor) Technical Project Manager, Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research Technical Director, Cancer Imaging Informatics Lab ORCiD: 240-276-6016 @.**@.>

From: Andrey Fedorov @.> Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2021 12:45 PM To: ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp @.> Cc: Kirby, Justin (NIH/NCI) [C] @.>; Mention @.> Subject: [ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp] Add license information to the portal (#721)

Per discussion in the prioritization doc:


Licenses we have retrieved at this moment are below.

@kirbyju can you please confirm we can go ahead with those?

4D-Lung CC BY 4.0 AAPM-RT-MAC CC BY 3.0 ACNS0332 CC BY 4.0 ACRIN-6698 CC BY 3.0 ACRIN-Contralateral-Breast-MR CC BY 4.0 ACRIN-DSC-MR-Brain CC BY 4.0 ACRIN-FLT-Breast CC BY 3.0 ACRIN-FMISO-Brain CC BY 3.0 ACRIN-HNSCC-FDG-PET-CT CC BY 4.0 ACRIN-NSCLC-FDG-PET CC BY 3.0 AHEP0731 CC BY 4.0 APOLLO CC BY 3.0 APOLLO-1-Pilot CC BY 3.0 APOLLO-5-LSCC CC BY 4.0 Anti-PD-1_Lung CC BY 3.0 Anti-PD-1_MELANOMA CC BY 3.0 Apollo2-Ovarian-Pilot CC BY 3.0 B-mode-and-CEUS-Liver CC BY 4.0 BREAST-DIAGNOSIS CC BY 3.0 Bladder Training CC BY 3.0 Brain-Tumor-Progression CC BY 3.0 Breast-Cancer-Screening-DBT CC BY-NC 4.0 Breast-MRI-NACT-Pilot CC BY 3.0 C4KC-KiTS CC BY 3.0 CALGB50303 CC BY 4.0 CBIS-DDSM CC BY 3.0 CC-Radiomics-Phantom CC BY 3.0 CC-Radiomics-Phantom-2 CC BY 3.0 CC-Radiomics-Phantom-3 CC BY 3.0 CITN-09 CC BY 3.0 CMB-CRC CC BY 4.0 CMB-LCA CC BY 4.0 CMB-MEL CC BY 4.0 CMB-MML CC BY 4.0 CMMD CC BY 4.0 CMMN-mouse CC BY 3.0 COVID-19 CC BY 3.0 COVID-19-AR CC BY 4.0 COVID-19-NY-SBU CC BY 4.0 CPTAC-CCRCC CC BY 3.0 CPTAC-CM CC BY 3.0 CPTAC-GBM CC BY 3.0 CPTAC-HNSCC CC BY 3.0 CPTAC-LSCC CC BY 3.0 CPTAC-LUAD CC BY 3.0 CPTAC-PDA CC BY 3.0 CPTAC-SAR CC BY 3.0 CPTAC-UCEC CC BY 3.0 CT COLONOGRAPHY CC BY 3.0 CT Lymph Nodes CC BY 3.0 DRO-Toolkit CC BY 3.0 Duke-Breast-Cancer-MRI CC BY-NC 4.0 Exceptional-Responders CC BY 3.0 HEAD-NECK-RADIOMICS-HN1 CC BY 3.0 HNSCC CC BY 3.0 HNSCC-3DCT-RT CC BY 3.0 Head-Neck Cetuximab CC BY 3.0 Head-Neck-PET-CT CC BY 3.0 ICDC-Glioma CC BY 4.0 ISPY1 CC BY 3.0 IvyGAP CC BY 3.0 LCTSC CC BY 3.0 LDCT-and-Projection-data CC BY 3.0 LGG-1p19qDeletion CC BY 3.0 LIDC-IDRI CC BY 3.0 Lung Phantom CC BY 3.0 Lung-Fused-CT-Pathology CC BY 3.0 Lung-PET-CT-Dx CC BY 4.0 LungCT-Diagnosis CC BY 3.0 MIDRC-RICORD-1A CC BY-NC 4.0 MIDRC-RICORD-1B CC BY-NC 4.0 MIDRC-RICORD-1C CC BY-NC 4.0 MRI-DIR CC BY 3.0 Mouse-Astrocytoma CC BY 3.0 Mouse-Mammary CC BY 3.0 NRG-1106 CC BY 3.0 NRG-1308 CC BY 3.0 NSCLC Radiogenomics CC BY 3.0 NSCLC-Cetuximab CC BY 3.0 NSCLC-RADIOMICS-INTEROBSERVER1 CC BY-NC 3.0 NSCLC-Radiomics CC BY-NC 3.0 NSCLC-Radiomics-Genomics CC BY-NC 3.0 NSCLC-Radiomics-Interobserver1 CC BY 3.0 NaF PROSTATE CC BY 3.0 OPC-Radiomics CC BY 3.0 OV Training CC BY 3.0 PDMR-292921-168-R CC BY 4.0 PDMR-425362-245-T CC BY 4.0 PDMR-833975-119-R CC BY 4.0 PDMR-997537-175-T CC BY 4.0 PDMR-BL0293-F563 CC BY 3.0 PDX-Mouse-Bladder CC BY 3.0 PDX-Pilot CC BY 3.0 PROSTATE-DIAGNOSIS CC BY 3.0 PROSTATE-MRI CC BY 3.0 PROSTATEx CC BY 3.0 Pancreas-CT CC BY 3.0 Pelvic-Reference-Data CC BY 3.0 Phantom FDA CC BY-NC 3.0 Prostate Fused-MRI-Pathology CC BY 3.0 Prostate-3T CC BY 3.0 Prostate-Cancer-MRI CC BY 3.0 Prostate-Challenge CC BY 3.0 Prostate-MRI-US-Biopsy CC BY 4.0 Pseudo-PHI-DICOM-Data CC BY 4.0 QIBA CT-1C CC BY 3.0 QIBA-CT-Liver-Phantom CC BY 4.0 QIN BRAIN CC BY 3.0 QIN Breast DCE-MRI CC BY 3.0 QIN DCE-MRI Challenge CC BY 3.0 QIN GBM DCE-MRI CC BY 3.0 QIN GBM Treatment Response CC BY 3.0 QIN LUNG CC BY 3.0 QIN LUNG CT CC BY 3.0 QIN LUNG LSC CC BY 3.0 QIN PET Phantom CC BY 3.0 QIN PHANTOM CC BY 3.0 QIN PROSTATE CC BY 3.0 QIN-ADC-Challenge CC BY 3.0 QIN-BRAIN-DSC-MRI CC BY 3.0 QIN-BREAST CC BY 3.0 QIN-BREAST-02 CC BY 3.0 QIN-HEADNECK CC BY 3.0 QIN-PHANTOM CC BY 3.0 QIN-PROSTATE CC BY 3.0 QIN-PROSTATE-Repeatability CC BY 4.0 QIN-SARCOMA CC BY 3.0 REMBRANDT CC BY 3.0 RIDER Breast MRI CC BY 3.0 RIDER Lung CT CC BY 3.0 RIDER Lung PET-CT CC BY 3.0 RIDER NEURO MRI CC BY 3.0 RIDER PHANTOM MRI CC BY 3.0 RIDER PHANTOM PET-CT CC BY 3.0 Renal Training CC BY 3.0 SPIE-AAPM Lung CT Challenge CC BY 3.0 Soft-tissue-Sarcoma CC BY 3.0 TCGA-BLCA CC BY 3.0 TCGA-BRCA CC BY 3.0 TCGA-CESC CC BY 3.0 TCGA-COAD CC BY 3.0 TCGA-ESCA CC BY 3.0 TCGA-GBM CC BY 3.0 TCGA-HNSC CC BY 3.0 TCGA-KICH CC BY 3.0 TCGA-KIRC CC BY 3.0 TCGA-KIRP CC BY 3.0 TCGA-LGG CC BY 3.0 TCGA-LIHC CC BY 3.0 TCGA-LUAD CC BY 3.0 TCGA-LUSC CC BY 3.0 TCGA-OV CC BY 3.0 TCGA-PRAD CC BY 3.0 TCGA-READ CC BY 3.0 TCGA-SARC CC BY 3.0 TCGA-STAD CC BY 3.0 TCGA-THCA CC BY 3.0 TCGA-UCEC CC BY 3.0 UPENN-GBM CC BY 4.0 VICTRE CC BY 3.0 Vestibular-Schwannoma-SEG CC BY 4.0

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bcli4d commented 3 years ago


I think our question (at least my question) is whether the license info for public, unrestricted access collections is now correct.

Thanks, Bill

On Tue, Aug 31, 2021 at 1:32 PM Justin Kirby @.***> wrote:

Hi Andrey,

When datasets are "restricted-access" they should not be redistributed by IDC regardless of their license setting. These restricted datasets should have a license that specifies that you're only allowed to do whatever was agreed when you requested access, but we haven't had a chance to get this fixed in NBIA's license settings yet. In the meantime, I think if you exclude anything that's restricted from your list below it should be fine. If you want to send it to me one more time after you've done that I can sanity check it again.

Thanks, Justin

Justin Kirby (contractor) Technical Project Manager, Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research Technical Director, Cancer Imaging Informatics Lab ORCiD: 240-276-6016 @.**@.>

From: Andrey Fedorov @.> Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2021 12:45 PM To: ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp @.> Cc: Kirby, Justin (NIH/NCI) [C] @.>; Mention @.> Subject: [ImagingDataCommons/IDC-WebApp] Add license information to the portal (#721)

Per discussion in the prioritization doc:


Licenses we have retrieved at this moment are below.

@kirbyju can you please confirm we can go ahead with those?

4D-Lung CC BY 4.0 AAPM-RT-MAC CC BY 3.0 ACNS0332 CC BY 4.0 ACRIN-6698 CC BY 3.0 ACRIN-Contralateral-Breast-MR CC BY 4.0 ACRIN-DSC-MR-Brain CC BY 4.0 ACRIN-FLT-Breast CC BY 3.0 ACRIN-FMISO-Brain CC BY 3.0 ACRIN-HNSCC-FDG-PET-CT CC BY 4.0 ACRIN-NSCLC-FDG-PET CC BY 3.0 AHEP0731 CC BY 4.0 APOLLO CC BY 3.0 APOLLO-1-Pilot CC BY 3.0 APOLLO-5-LSCC CC BY 4.0 Anti-PD-1_Lung CC BY 3.0 Anti-PD-1_MELANOMA CC BY 3.0 Apollo2-Ovarian-Pilot CC BY 3.0 B-mode-and-CEUS-Liver CC BY 4.0 BREAST-DIAGNOSIS CC BY 3.0 Bladder Training CC BY 3.0 Brain-Tumor-Progression CC BY 3.0 Breast-Cancer-Screening-DBT CC BY-NC 4.0 Breast-MRI-NACT-Pilot CC BY 3.0 C4KC-KiTS CC BY 3.0 CALGB50303 CC BY 4.0 CBIS-DDSM CC BY 3.0 CC-Radiomics-Phantom CC BY 3.0 CC-Radiomics-Phantom-2 CC BY 3.0 CC-Radiomics-Phantom-3 CC BY 3.0 CITN-09 CC BY 3.0 CMB-CRC CC BY 4.0 CMB-LCA CC BY 4.0 CMB-MEL CC BY 4.0 CMB-MML CC BY 4.0 CMMD CC BY 4.0 CMMN-mouse CC BY 3.0 COVID-19 CC BY 3.0 COVID-19-AR CC BY 4.0 COVID-19-NY-SBU CC BY 4.0 CPTAC-CCRCC CC BY 3.0 CPTAC-CM CC BY 3.0 CPTAC-GBM CC BY 3.0 CPTAC-HNSCC CC BY 3.0 CPTAC-LSCC CC BY 3.0 CPTAC-LUAD CC BY 3.0 CPTAC-PDA CC BY 3.0 CPTAC-SAR CC BY 3.0 CPTAC-UCEC CC BY 3.0 CT COLONOGRAPHY CC BY 3.0 CT Lymph Nodes CC BY 3.0 DRO-Toolkit CC BY 3.0 Duke-Breast-Cancer-MRI CC BY-NC 4.0 Exceptional-Responders CC BY 3.0 HEAD-NECK-RADIOMICS-HN1 CC BY 3.0 HNSCC CC BY 3.0 HNSCC-3DCT-RT CC BY 3.0 Head-Neck Cetuximab CC BY 3.0 Head-Neck-PET-CT CC BY 3.0 ICDC-Glioma CC BY 4.0 ISPY1 CC BY 3.0 IvyGAP CC BY 3.0 LCTSC CC BY 3.0 LDCT-and-Projection-data CC BY 3.0 LGG-1p19qDeletion CC BY 3.0 LIDC-IDRI CC BY 3.0 Lung Phantom CC BY 3.0 Lung-Fused-CT-Pathology CC BY 3.0 Lung-PET-CT-Dx CC BY 4.0 LungCT-Diagnosis CC BY 3.0 MIDRC-RICORD-1A CC BY-NC 4.0 MIDRC-RICORD-1B CC BY-NC 4.0 MIDRC-RICORD-1C CC BY-NC 4.0 MRI-DIR CC BY 3.0 Mouse-Astrocytoma CC BY 3.0 Mouse-Mammary CC BY 3.0 NRG-1106 CC BY 3.0 NRG-1308 CC BY 3.0 NSCLC Radiogenomics CC BY 3.0 NSCLC-Cetuximab CC BY 3.0 NSCLC-RADIOMICS-INTEROBSERVER1 CC BY-NC 3.0 NSCLC-Radiomics CC BY-NC 3.0 NSCLC-Radiomics-Genomics CC BY-NC 3.0 NSCLC-Radiomics-Interobserver1 CC BY 3.0 NaF PROSTATE CC BY 3.0 OPC-Radiomics CC BY 3.0 OV Training CC BY 3.0 PDMR-292921-168-R CC BY 4.0 PDMR-425362-245-T CC BY 4.0 PDMR-833975-119-R CC BY 4.0 PDMR-997537-175-T CC BY 4.0 PDMR-BL0293-F563 CC BY 3.0 PDX-Mouse-Bladder CC BY 3.0 PDX-Pilot CC BY 3.0 PROSTATE-DIAGNOSIS CC BY 3.0 PROSTATE-MRI CC BY 3.0 PROSTATEx CC BY 3.0 Pancreas-CT CC BY 3.0 Pelvic-Reference-Data CC BY 3.0 Phantom FDA CC BY-NC 3.0 Prostate Fused-MRI-Pathology CC BY 3.0 Prostate-3T CC BY 3.0 Prostate-Cancer-MRI CC BY 3.0 Prostate-Challenge CC BY 3.0 Prostate-MRI-US-Biopsy CC BY 4.0 Pseudo-PHI-DICOM-Data CC BY 4.0 QIBA CT-1C CC BY 3.0 QIBA-CT-Liver-Phantom CC BY 4.0 QIN BRAIN CC BY 3.0 QIN Breast DCE-MRI CC BY 3.0 QIN DCE-MRI Challenge CC BY 3.0 QIN GBM DCE-MRI CC BY 3.0 QIN GBM Treatment Response CC BY 3.0 QIN LUNG CC BY 3.0 QIN LUNG CT CC BY 3.0 QIN LUNG LSC CC BY 3.0 QIN PET Phantom CC BY 3.0 QIN PHANTOM CC BY 3.0 QIN PROSTATE CC BY 3.0 QIN-ADC-Challenge CC BY 3.0 QIN-BRAIN-DSC-MRI CC BY 3.0 QIN-BREAST CC BY 3.0 QIN-BREAST-02 CC BY 3.0 QIN-HEADNECK CC BY 3.0 QIN-PHANTOM CC BY 3.0 QIN-PROSTATE CC BY 3.0 QIN-PROSTATE-Repeatability CC BY 4.0 QIN-SARCOMA CC BY 3.0 REMBRANDT CC BY 3.0 RIDER Breast MRI CC BY 3.0 RIDER Lung CT CC BY 3.0 RIDER Lung PET-CT CC BY 3.0 RIDER NEURO MRI CC BY 3.0 RIDER PHANTOM MRI CC BY 3.0 RIDER PHANTOM PET-CT CC BY 3.0 Renal Training CC BY 3.0 SPIE-AAPM Lung CT Challenge CC BY 3.0 Soft-tissue-Sarcoma CC BY 3.0 TCGA-BLCA CC BY 3.0 TCGA-BRCA CC BY 3.0 TCGA-CESC CC BY 3.0 TCGA-COAD CC BY 3.0 TCGA-ESCA CC BY 3.0 TCGA-GBM CC BY 3.0 TCGA-HNSC CC BY 3.0 TCGA-KICH CC BY 3.0 TCGA-KIRC CC BY 3.0 TCGA-KIRP CC BY 3.0 TCGA-LGG CC BY 3.0 TCGA-LIHC CC BY 3.0 TCGA-LUAD CC BY 3.0 TCGA-LUSC CC BY 3.0 TCGA-OV CC BY 3.0 TCGA-PRAD CC BY 3.0 TCGA-READ CC BY 3.0 TCGA-SARC CC BY 3.0 TCGA-STAD CC BY 3.0 TCGA-THCA CC BY 3.0 TCGA-UCEC CC BY 3.0 UPENN-GBM CC BY 4.0 VICTRE CC BY 3.0 Vestibular-Schwannoma-SEG CC BY 4.0

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fedorov commented 3 years ago

Justin, yes, makes sense. I understand it is confusing, since the list includes all of the collections. @bcli4d can you give the list of just the collections we will be including, with the corresponding licenses, so Justin can help us finalize this?

bcli4d commented 3 years ago

I'm working on generating a table for Justin.

In the meantime... We refer to APOLLO-1-VA as APOLLO because APOLLO was the ID that was expected by the various APIs that take a collection ID parameter. Given the transition to APOLLO-5-LSCC, we expect to treat APOLLO/APOLLO-1-VA as a "retired" collection (probably in a release after the NLST release) and add APOLLO-5-LSCC. The APOLLO data should continue to be available.

The table that Andrey attached above shows that the APOLLO collection has a CC BY 3.0 license. However, the (retired) APOLLO-1-VA wiki page says "This data set may be subject to usage restrictions set out by the APOLLO network.", and it no longer shows a license. Our BQ metadata includes a link to this page, which users will interpret to mean that they may no longer use data that they might have earlier used. Seems like a problem.


On Tue, Aug 31, 2021 at 1:39 PM Andrey Fedorov @.***> wrote:

Justin, yes, makes sense. I understand it is confusing, since the list includes all of the collections. @bcli4d can you give the list of just the collections we will be including, with the corresponding licenses, so Justin can help us finalize this?

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bcli4d commented 2 years ago

License list: 1 NLST 2 4D-Lung CC BY 3.0 3 AAPM-RT-MAC CC BY 3.0 4 ACRIN-FLT-Breast CC BY 3.0 5 ACRIN-FMISO-Brain CC BY 3.0 6 ACRIN-NSCLC-FDG-PET CC BY 3.0 7 APOLLO CC BY 3.0 8 Anti-PD-1_Lung CC BY 3.0 9 Anti-PD-1_MELANOMA CC BY 3.0 10 BREAST-DIAGNOSIS CC BY 3.0 11 Brain-Tumor-Progression CC BY 3.0 12 Breast-MRI-NACT-Pilot CC BY 3.0 13 C4KC-KiTS CC BY 3.0 14 CPTAC-CCRCC CC BY 3.0 15 CPTAC-CM CC BY 3.0 16 CPTAC-GBM CC BY 3.0 17 CPTAC-HNSCC CC BY 3.0 18 CPTAC-LSCC CC BY 3.0 19 CPTAC-LUAD CC BY 3.0 20 CPTAC-PDA CC BY 3.0 21 CPTAC-SAR CC BY 3.0 22 CPTAC-UCEC CC BY 3.0 23 CT COLONOGRAPHY CC BY 3.0 24 CT Lymph Nodes CC BY 3.0 25 DRO-Toolkit CC BY 3.0 26 HEAD-NECK-RADIOMICS-HN1 CC BY 3.0 27 HNSCC CC BY 3.0 28 HNSCC-3DCT-RT CC BY 3.0 29 Head-Neck Cetuximab CC BY 3.0 30 Head-Neck-PET-CT CC BY 3.0 31 ISPY1 CC BY 3.0 32 IvyGAP CC BY 3.0 33 LCTSC CC BY 3.0 34 LGG-1p19qDeletion CC BY 3.0 35 LIDC-IDRI CC BY 3.0 36 Lung Phantom CC BY 3.0 37 Lung-Fused-CT-Pathology CC BY 3.0 38 LungCT-Diagnosis CC BY 3.0 39 MRI-DIR CC BY 3.0 40 Mouse-Astrocytoma CC BY 3.0 41 Mouse-Mammary CC BY 3.0 42 NSCLC Radiogenomics CC BY 3.0 43 NaF PROSTATE CC BY 3.0 44 OPC-Radiomics CC BY 3.0 45 PDMR-833975-119-R CC BY 3.0 46 PDMR-BL0293-F563 CC BY 3.0 47 PROSTATE-MRI CC BY 3.0 48 PROSTATEx CC BY 3.0 49 Pancreas-CT CC BY 3.0 50 Pelvic-Reference-Data CC BY 3.0 51 Prostate Fused-MRI-Pathology CC BY 3.0 52 Prostate-3T CC BY 3.0 53 QIBA CT-1C CC BY 3.0 54 QIN Breast DCE-MRI CC BY 3.0 55 QIN GBM Treatment Response CC BY 3.0 56 QIN LUNG CT CC BY 3.0 57 QIN-BRAIN-DSC-MRI CC BY 3.0 58 QIN-BREAST CC BY 3.0 59 QIN-HEADNECK CC BY 3.0 60 REMBRANDT CC BY 3.0 61 RIDER Breast MRI CC BY 3.0 62 RIDER Lung CT CC BY 3.0 63 RIDER Lung PET-CT CC BY 3.0 64 RIDER NEURO MRI CC BY 3.0 65 SPIE-AAPM Lung CT Challenge CC BY 3.0 66 Soft-tissue-Sarcoma CC BY 3.0 67 TCGA-BLCA CC BY 3.0 68 TCGA-BRCA CC BY 3.0 69 TCGA-CESC CC BY 3.0 70 TCGA-COAD CC BY 3.0 71 TCGA-ESCA CC BY 3.0 72 TCGA-GBM CC BY 3.0 73 TCGA-HNSC CC BY 3.0 74 TCGA-KICH CC BY 3.0 75 TCGA-KIRC CC BY 3.0 76 TCGA-KIRP CC BY 3.0 77 TCGA-LGG CC BY 3.0 78 TCGA-LIHC CC BY 3.0 79 TCGA-LUAD CC BY 3.0 80 TCGA-LUSC CC BY 3.0 81 TCGA-OV CC BY 3.0 82 TCGA-PRAD CC BY 3.0 83 TCGA-READ CC BY 3.0 84 TCGA-SARC CC BY 3.0 85 TCGA-STAD CC BY 3.0 86 TCGA-THCA CC BY 3.0 87 TCGA-UCEC CC BY 3.0 88 VICTRE CC BY 3.0 89 ACRIN-DSC-MR-Brain CC BY 4.0 90 COVID-19-AR CC BY 4.0 91 ICDC-Glioma CC BY 4.0 92 Lung-PET-CT-Dx CC BY 4.0 93 PDMR-292921-168-R CC BY 4.0 94 PDMR-425362-245-T CC BY 4.0 95 PDMR-997537-175-T CC BY 4.0 96 Prostate-MRI-US-Biopsy CC BY 4.0 97 Pseudo-PHI-DICOM-Data CC BY 4.0 98 QIN-PROSTATE-Repeatability CC BY 4.0 99 Vestibular-Schwannoma-SEG CC BY 4.0 100 NSCLC-RADIOMICS-INTEROBSERVER1 CC BY-NC 3.0 101 NSCLC-Radiomics CC BY-NC 3.0 102 NSCLC-Radiomics-Genomics CC BY-NC 3.0 103 Phantom FDA CC BY-NC 3.0 104 Breast-Cancer-Screening-DBT CC BY-NC 4.0 105 MIDRC-RICORD-1A CC BY-NC 4.0 106 MIDRC-RICORD-1B CC BY-NC 4.0 107 MIDRC-RICORD-1C CC BY-NC 4.0

On Tue, Aug 31, 2021 at 7:11 PM Bill Clifford @.***> wrote:

I'm working on generating a table for Justin.

In the meantime... We refer to APOLLO-1-VA as APOLLO because APOLLO was the ID that was expected by the various APIs that take a collection ID parameter. Given the transition to APOLLO-5-LSCC, we expect to treat APOLLO/APOLLO-1-VA as a "retired" collection (probably in a release after the NLST release) and add APOLLO-5-LSCC. The APOLLO data should continue to be available.

The table that Andrey attached above shows that the APOLLO collection has a CC BY 3.0 license. However, the (retired) APOLLO-1-VA wiki page says "This data set may be subject to usage restrictions set out by the APOLLO network.", and it no longer shows a license. Our BQ metadata includes a link to this page, which users will interpret to mean that they may no longer use data that they might have earlier used. Seems like a problem.


On Tue, Aug 31, 2021 at 1:39 PM Andrey Fedorov @.***> wrote:

Justin, yes, makes sense. I understand it is confusing, since the list includes all of the collections. @bcli4d can you give the list of just the collections we will be including, with the corresponding licenses, so Justin can help us finalize this?

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s-paquette commented 2 years ago

@bcli4d Can I get this as a table in sheets or Excel, something along those lines?

bcli4d commented 2 years ago

Run this query: SELECT tcia_api_collection_id, license_short_name FROM idc-dev-etl.idc_v4.original_collections_metadata order by license_short_name , tcia_api_collection_id

On Tue, Sep 7, 2021 at 8:55 AM S. Paquette @.***> wrote:

@bcli4d Can I get this as a table in sheets or Excel, something along those lines?

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s-paquette commented 2 years ago

Got it, thank you! @fedorov Are we just listing the license name, or do we want a link to the license page, or...

fedorov commented 2 years ago

Ideally, we would want to have a link for every item that can be used for filtering in the webapp UI, but we don't have it for anything. So I am fine to not link the license type to anything, at least for the initial iteration.

bcli4d commented 2 years ago

The TCIA portal includes the license long name in the each collection description tool tip, but no link.

On Tue, Sep 7, 2021 at 12:31 PM Andrey Fedorov @.***> wrote:

Ideally, we would want to have a link for every item that can be used for filtering in the webapp UI, but we don't have it for anything. So I am fine to not link it to anything at least for the initial iteration.

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s-paquette commented 2 years ago

Per 9/14 meeting: Not critical to list on collections page, @bcli4d to update dicom_all to include listing for NLST

fedorov commented 2 years ago

Forgive me - I know it's likely a separate issue, but I would like to discuss if we should rearrange the license filter outside "Original" section, since it is kind of a different beast. I am going to reopen, and we can decide if close or open a new issue after touching base at the Tue call.

s-paquette commented 2 years ago

@fedorov I'd like to ask we close this and make a new ticket, as the work described above is completed.