ImagingDataCommons / IDC-WebApp

Web Application front end for IDC (CORE REPO)
Apache License 2.0
6 stars 2 forks source link

IDC Web Application

The IDC Web Application is currently under development

Installation Instructions For Local Development

The system uses Vagrant to setup a consistent, platform independent development environment. To setup your development environment to run locally, you will need to install the following:

From there perform the following steps...

  1. Once you've installed PyCharm and cloned the repositories, create a directory within the PycharmProjects directory (the parent directory of your repositories) called secure_files/idc.
  2. Copy the sample.env file to a file named .env in secure_files/idc. The setup process requires this name and this path.
  3. Fill out the .env file with the proper values
    • For most development environments, MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD and DATABASE_PASSWORD can be the same, and DATABASE_USER can be root
    • GCLOUD_PROJECT_ID, OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET, OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID, and the application credentials file will be obtained from one of the other developers as part of an initial set of starter files.

Configuring PyCharm

PyCharm Pro can be used to run your Web Application as a native Django application.


  1. Go to your PyCharm Settings (On Mac, Go to Preferences; CMD+,)
  2. Select Project: IDC-Webapp > Project Interpreter
  3. Click the icon next to the Project Interpreter drop down at the top of the main area
  4. Click Add Remote
  5. Select Vagrant (if it asks to start the machine, say yes)
  6. Set the Python interpreter path to /home/vagrant/www/shell/ and click Ok
    • Be sure you are not using /user/bin/python3.X or similar.
    • The remote interpreter script brings in the PythonPath when launched.
  7. Click Ok to save
  8. Go to Run > Edit Configurations
  9. If there is not a Django Configuration, add one
  10. Set the host to and the port to 8086.
  11. Set the Python Interpreter to the Vagrant Machine (if it is not set to that already)
  12. Set the working directory to /home/vagrant/www
  13. Click ... next to the Environment variables:, box and add the following values:
    • SECURE_LOCAL_PATH = ../parentDir/secure_files/idc/ (you MUST have the trailing /)
    • PYTHONPATH = /home/vagrant/www:/home/vagrant/www/lib:/home/vagrant/www/IDC-Common
    • VM_PYTHONPATH = /home/vagrant/www:/home/vagrant/www/lib:/home/vagrant/www/IDC-Common
    • DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE = idc.settings
  14. Click ok to save

You will need to set the shell/ file to be executable. You can do this via the vagrant machine's command line with the command chmod +x /home/vagrant/www/shell/ (This step is done for you by when the VM image is first built.)


To run your server in PyCharm:

  1. Make sure your Vagrant machine is running by going to Tools > Vagrant > Up
    • If this is the first time you've built the VM, it can be time consuming.
    • Our VMs are currently running Ubuntu 16.0.4 LTS, which is what the app deploys under as well.
  2. Once the VM has built, click on the Run or Debug icons in the toolbar (upper-right corner of the PyCharm GUI)
    • Your server will start and the PyCharm console should show all the logs and output from the system.
    • If you are running in debug, you can also use breakpoints to stop the execution and examine variables and code as it runs.

Adding Python Dependencies

To add Python Libraries or Dependencies, you should add them to the requirements.txt file and they will automatically be pulled down when a new developer starts the system.

To update your existing python dependencies because of a change, or to pull down additional libraries you need, SSH into the virtual machine and run pip3 install. Through PyCharm, you can take the following steps:

  1. Click Tools > Start SSH session...
  2. Select the Vagrant VM Connection you set up
  3. Type cd www; sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt --upgrade -t lib/

Or from the command line, you can do this by doing the following:

  1. Open a terminal in the project directory
  2. Type vagrant ssh to login to the virtual machine
  3. Change directory to the www directory (/home/vagrant/www/ is the full path)
  4. Run pip3 install -r requirements.txt --upgrade -t lib/