ImaniiTy / GreenLuma-Reborn-Manager

An app made in python to manage GreenLuma Reborn AppList
MIT License
142 stars 53 forks source link

Known Issue

if you use the option to install GreenLuma Reborn in any folder on you pc the Manager will not work, for now use the default installation method of the GreenLuma Reborn, A.K.A installing direct in the steam folder

GreenLuma Reborn Manager

An app to manage the Steam unlocker "GreenLuma Reborn" AppList folder

What is GreenLuma Reborn ?

GreenLuma Reborn (GLR) is a Steam unlocker made by Steam006 that is used to obtain games from family shared libraries and DLC for games. There's much more to it, though.

The full list of features provided by Steam006.

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Can I get banned for using GreenLuma Reborn ?

There will always be a risk when using GLR. If you're willing to take that risk, go right on ahead. If not, then don't bother. Especially when that risk means the status of your Steam account.

As expected, there are some games that blacklist GLR and using it will result in receiving a game ban. Refer to this page if you want to check what games NOT to play.

Please keep in mind. Like CreamAPI, GreenLuma Reborn does not work for every game.

Also, keep in mind that not every game is available to play through Steam family sharing.

Credits to @linkthehylian for this brief explanation

I highly advise you to use the "Legit stealth mode" checking the box "NoHook" on my program: alt text

Latest release: GreenLuma Reborn Manager v1.3.6


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What's the difference between your app and GreenLuma Reborn App?

Well the main difference, like i said on the topic above, is that on my app you can search the game you want to add directly from the program and my version is more focused on the management of the folder (and if you're like me who don't like having all the games unlocked at the same time the profile system can help you alot)

Future Plans

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