ImbueNetwork / imbue-frontend

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Imbue-frontend App Documentation


Imbue Network is a decentralised crowdfunding DAO and a market place for freelancers built on top of the Polkadot blockchain platform. It is an idea incubator open to the entire world that allows anyone, from any walk of life and for any kind of endeavour, to submit and vote on Ideas worth funding from the communities that believe in them the most. Imbue-fronted app is a web application that allows users to interact with the Imbue Network blockchain. It is built using React,NEXT.js,Polkadot.js, and other related technologies.


Local deployment quickstart with docker-compose

We make sure that the app is easy to deploy locally. To do so, we have created a docker-compose file that will allow you to deploy the app locally with a single command. follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed on your computer.
  2. Clone the app's repository from GitHub: git clone
  3. Navigate to the app's directory: cd imbue-frontend.
  4. Run the docker-compose command: docker-compose up -d.
  5. We are using make file for quick setup of db and migrations.
  6. Run the make command: make db_up and make seed . It will create the database and run the migrations to populate the table with some dummy data.
  7. Install the app's dependencies: yarn.


The app's configuration is stored in environment variables. The following variables are available:

Running the app

  1. Start the app's development server: yarn dev.
  2. Open the app in a web browser: http://localhost:3000.
  3. You can see the app is running

To modify the app's configuration, create a .env file in the app's root directory and specify the desired values for each variable.


Here we will go through how you can play with your app and test it's functionalities.

Going through the various flows

Brief Flow

Viewing briefs
Submitting/Posting a brief

Once you have posted a brief, any freelancer can submit a proposal for the brief and its on the brief creator to accept or reject the proposal. Before we can go through the proposal flow, we need to go through the freelancer flow.

Freelancer Flow

Creating the freelancer profile

Before you can submit a proposal for a brief you need to have a freelancer profile created

Submitting a proposal for a brief

Now as a freelancer you can submit a proposal for a brief, and the brief creator can accept or reject your proposal

- Step 1: From the dashboard view go the menu and click the Discover briefs button, as shown below

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- Step 2: Upon clicking you will be redirected to the discover briefs page as shown below

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- Step 3: Click on the brief you want to submit a proposal for, and you will be redirected to the brief details page as shown below For this example we will be submitting a proposal for the brief Evo_brief

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Here in brief details page you can see the client contact history and also could find the similar project in our imbue portal

- Step 4: Click on the Submit Proposal button, and you will be redirected to the submit proposal page as shown below


Here are some resources for learning more about NextJS and related technologies:


If you encounter any issues while using imbue-frontend App, try these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check the app's logs for error messages or stack
  2. Check the app's configuration to make sure it is correct
  3. Check the app's dependencies to make sure they are installed correctly
  4. Check the app's environment to make sure it is configured correctly
  5. You can always contact us here if you are still facing the issue after trying the available troubleshooting steps.