Vault Faster
Minecraft Vault Hunters optimization mod with one goal: make vault world generation faster. \
More than 40x performance improvement.
List of changes:
- [batchsetblocks/*] optimised algorithm for placing blocks
- subchunks are processed in parallel
- locks chunk only once per section instead of every block
- skips iskallia.vault.core.event.CommonEvents.BLOCK_SET event
- [,, IndexedBlock.kt] replaced "string ids"/ResourceLocations of blocks and PartialTiles with "numerical ids"/registryIndex
- [TileMapper.kt] added tile mapper; algorithm for minimizing number of applicable by storing them in multimap indexed with numerical id of a block
- cached some values
- [] removed biome decorations and custom structures; those aren't supposed to be there and can cause concurrency crashes
- [*StreamedTemplate] replaces Template.getTiles with StreamedTemplate.getTileStream(), which doesn't require custom iterators and it's parallel
- [,] optimizes cascading modifiers
- [] enables world generator to process chunks in parallel
- multiple fixes
New Events
ObjectiveTemplateEvent: for placing POIs of objectives (lodestone, scavenger table, braziers, etc...); this was previously done with BlockSetEvent, which was just too slow.
- please, do not fork this repo just to add support for custom objectives; registering this event is all you should need
TemplateConfigurationEvent: for additional configuration of templates before they're placed; this vas previously done with TemplateGenerationEvent which caused concurrency crashes and other unxepected behavior when multi-threading was introduced
tunnel_span=0 (vault without tunnels, this is much more demanding), allocated 18GB of ram:
- unmodified: 5 chunks per second
- modified: 390 chunks per second
- modified, no HT: 440 chunks per second
- ram speed also had a significant impact