The project is split into 3 parts, represented by 3 different script files.
All the timetable logic is implemented in /res/scripts/celmi/timetables/timetable.lua
The timetable is stored in a giant LUA table. See wiki for further documentation. Link
The timetable module provides all necessary methods to alter the timetable and to request its information.
It is read-only to the engine thread and read/write to the GUI thread.
The UI logic is implemented in /res/config/game_script/timetable_gui.lua
It creates all necessary menus and holds an instance of the timetable, to modify it accordingly to the user inputs.
It also oversees checking if a vehicle requires stopping due to the timetable.
All game API requests are summarized in res/scripts/celmi/timetables/timetable_helper.lua
This module provides useful util functions and does all Game API calls that are necessary to get the current state of the game.
If you want to contribute to this project, open yourself an issue, place it on the project board, create yourself a branch, and do your work on your branch. When you are done and want to integrate it, you can open a pull request into the develop branch. (You can of cause open them early to get feedback if you like). The pull request can be merged into the dev branch after a review. For every release to the workshop, a pull request into the master branch is created, and a GitHub release will be created as well.
If you plan to activly contribute to this mod, please join our Discord Server and request the role of a colaborator there:
Please use the issue feature to submit feedback/feature requests/bug reports. When reporting a bug, please detail all the steps that are nectary to recreate this bug! Also please append your stdout.txt file whenever possible.
If you like this mod, a donation would be greatly appreciated: