IndexXuan / vue-cli-plugin-vite

Use vite today, with vue-cli.
MIT License
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vite vite-plugin vue-cli vue-cli-plugin

Use Vite Today

out-of-the-box for vue-cli projects without any codebase modifications.



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CI Maintenance License: MIT

Table of Contents


# 1. first step
vue add vite

# 2. second step
# NOTE you cannot directly use `vite` or `npx vite` since it is origin vite not this plugin.
yarn vite // or npm run vite

# 3. add optimizeDeps#include (optional and will speedup devServer start time a lot)
# added in vue.config.js#pluginOptions.vite.optimizeDeps.include
# e.g.: ['vue', 'vue-router', 'vuex']
# all scanned deps(logged in terminal) can be added for speedup.



// vue.config.js
  // ...
  pluginOptions: {
    vite: {
       * Plugin[]
       * @default []
      plugins: [], // other vite plugins list, will be merge into this plugin\'s underlying vite.config.ts
       * Vite UserConfig.optimizeDeps options
       * recommended set `include` for speedup page-loaded time, e.g. include: ['vue', 'vue-router', '@scope/xxx']
       * @default {}
      optimizeDeps: {},
       * type-checker, recommended disabled for large-scale old project.
       * @default false
      disabledTypeChecker: true,
       * lint code by eslint
       * @default false
      disabledLint: false,

Underlying principle


Differences between vue-cli and vite

Dimension vue-cli vite
Plugin 1. based on webpack.
2. have service and generator lifecycles.
3. hooks based on each webpack plugin hooks
1. based on rollup.
2. no generator lifecycle.
3. universal hooks based on rollup plugin hooks and vite self designed
Environment Variables 1. loaded on process.env.
2. prefixed by VUE_APP_.
3. client-side use process.env.VUE_APP_XXX by webpack definePlugin
1. not loaded on process.env.
2. prefixed by VITE_.
3. client-side use import.meta.env.VITE_XXX by vite inner define plugin
Entry Files 1. main.{js,ts}. 1. *.html
Config File 1. vue.config.js 1. vite.config.ts.
2. support use --config to locate
MPA Support 1. native support by options.pages.
2. with history rewrite support
1. native support by rollupOptions.input
Special Syntax 1. require(by webpack)
2. require.context(by webpack)
2. use ~some-module/dist/index.css(by css-loader)
3. for HMR
1. import.meta.glob/globEager
2. native support by vite, use module/dist/index.css directly
3. for HMR
Local devServer 1. webpack dev-server
2. express-style middleware and many extension api.
1. connect
2. connect middleware
Type Checker 1. fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin 1. No built-in, we can use vite-plugin-checker(based on vetur and vue-tsc)
Lint 1. @vue/cli-plugin-eslint 1. No built-in we can use vite-plugin-eslint,
Jest 1. @vue/cli-plugin-jest 1. will have first-class jest support



you can clone/fork this repo, under examples/*



Best development-experience right now

Migration to vite smoothly

Lint the codebase

Use vue-cli ecosystem

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