IndianaBiosciences / toxapp

A publicly-available industry-inspired Collaborative Toxicogenomics analysis platform
Apache License 2.0
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IBRI's Toxicogenomic Platform

This platform provides tools and workflows for early risk assessment using toxicogenomics based on publically available data sources or other data sets that have been released in support of this platform. It is expected that this platform will accelerate the development of the supporting science and increase adoption of new risks assessment tools by the broader research community.

Currently this platform is in the early prototype phase to establish secure collaboration tools for participating organizations and to define the conceptual architecture and framework that leverages and/or integrates with other efforts in toxicogenomics. The first working implementation of this platform delivers a full end-to-end workflow from data to visualizations with to-be-defined research methods based on the best practices of the Sponsor(s).

Key References

Getting Started

Visit our current deployment here: link

If you signup you will recieve an email notifying you of granted access.


Link to deployment documentation

Running the tests

The tests run from and will go through in testing each pipeline including email, rabbitmq, celery, our data processes, and your R installation

Built With






See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.




Contact Brad Mills at bmills(at)indianabiosciences(dot)org