Indicia-Team / drupal-7-module-taxon_formatters

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Defines the following hooks:


Returns an array containing definitions of the taxon formatter types defined by a module. For example: function nbn_map_taxon_formatter_types() { $formatter = array( 'nbn_map' => array( 'title' => t('NBN Map'), // field type is TVK, TLIK or BRC (+GBIF?) 'field_type' => 'TVK', // function that generates the form using Forms API, with arguments for the current settings values, type name (e.g. nbn_map) and optional $args 'form_callback' => 'nbn_map_taxon_formatter_settings_form', 'form_args' => array() // can be used to pass arguments to the form ) ); return $formatter; }

output theme function

The system assumes a theme function called theme__taxon_formatter_output will generate the output. $element['#item'] passes the data for the current field value. For example, if there is an nbn_map formatter type, then the following code could generate output. Note that you must declare the theme function using hook_theme and that the preset is passed as a parameter to the theme function: function theme_nbn_map_taxon_formatter_output($element, $preset) { return my_map_function($element['#item']); }

function nbn_map_theme() { $theme = array(); $theme["nbn_map_taxon_formatter_output"] = array( 'arguments' => array('element' => NULL), ); return $theme; }